22-thanksgiving dinner

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(This is how his room looked like^^^)


Quackity wondered around admiring all of the stuff that was there,Quackity sat down on his bed with a smile,followed by Karl.
They sat there for a few moments before Quackity started to come closer,hinting he wanted to kiss.Karl looked at him and the desperate look on his face,Quackity went in for the kiss but Karl pulled away.

Quackity:"h-hey what's wrong?..."
Karl:"n-nothing it's just that-...I'm not out..."
Quackity:"well yeah I figured,but no ones here we could have fun?.." he smiled trying to cheer him up.Karl wasn't really having it he just looked at the ground with nervousness.
Karl:"n-no,someone could see us,I don't want to..."
Quackity:"that's fine Karl.."
Quackity looked at him with a soft smile so Karl tried to smile back,kinda worked 5/10.
Quackity stood up when they heard what seems like miss Jacobs shouting "DINNERS READY!!" Karl stood up exited showing Quackity downstairs to the dinner table,it was a big table and everyone was on there way there,yummy food they all couldn't wait to eat.

They sat down,said their grace and started eatimg whem miss Jacobs decided to make some conversation.
Mom:"so where did you guys meet?"
Quackity:"oh I was just walking in the snow and I saw his cabin so I decided to knock on it for help and he answered,then he let me stay for a bit more and eventually said I could stay as long as I wanted,directly after the first day we became best friends"

Mom:"awwwwwwww that's adorable!"
Uncle Patrick:"idk seems like a fag*ot love story to me!"
He laughed,followed by a few other people.
Mom:"don't say that Patrick! I will kick you out with my very own foot if you insult my boys!"
Patrick:"whoa calm down woman,we were only crackin' a few jokes!"

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