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Hana and Jeno sat next to each other at the dinner table

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Hana and Jeno sat next to each other at the dinner table. After blowing out the candles on a fancy cake, the two began to dig into the food.

Hana looked across the table at an empty seat. "Where did Haneul go?"

Jeno furrowed his brows, opening his mouth as if he was about to say something before being interrupted.

"I'm here."

The couple watched as Haneul carried a tray with three chalices to the table.

"What's this?" Hana asked, hands reaching out to grab the cup that Haneul extended to her.

The younger sister handed one to Jeno as well. "A little something," she chuckled. "I figured since it's your birthday I prepared a little something, so I prepared apple cider. It used to be our favorite when we were younger, do you remember?"

Hana's eyes lit up. "Of course I do! Wow, Haneul, I'm touched. You don't know how much this means to me."

"Oh, please. It was nothing, really. Think of it as a peace offering."

"A piece offering?"

Jeno shifted in his seat.

"But of course! I've come to the conclusion that you and I should be civil once more. I know I never treated you the best, especially after Jeno came into both of our lives. I hope that we can come into good terms now."

Hana smiled softly. "Hearing all of that come from you means everything to me, little sister. Thank you, truly. I hope you do understand that Jeno and I feel strongly for each other."

"But of course!" She smiled widely, grabbing her cup as she raised it to the both of them. "One of us has to have him, right?"

Hana and Jeno followed her actions.

"Uh, yes... right." Hana said with hesitation before bringing the chalice to her lips.

Haneul giggled. "Make sure to drink it all!"

As the sweet juice was about to hit Hana's lips, the drink was slapped out of her hand. The chalice fell to the floor, spilling the juice everywhere and causing a loud clatter.

Hana's eyes widened in shock, instantly whipping her head to Jeno. "What the hell was that for?!"

"Haneul poisoned it!"

Hana furrowed her brows as a moment of silence engulfed them, the sound of clapping following after.

The two turned to see Haneul's hands slowly applauding, a sinister smile forming on her face as she giggled darkly. Her fit of laughter grew louder as she threw her head back and then immediately snapped back to its original position.

"Oh my, Jeno. Dear Jeno. How did you figure out my plan so easily?"

He watched her with careful eyes, a hand slowly reaching for Hana's under the table.

"I've known you for many years, Haneul. I know how you are. I also know that you wouldn't give up on me this easily."

She scoffed, taking a step onto the table full of food. Jeno immediately stood up, bringing Hana to stand behind him.

"And that's the harsh reality of love. You let someone into your heart and who knows, years later they could use it against you. Just like now. Why fall in love anyway?" Haneul chuckled as she took more steps. The skirt of her dress stained with food, but she didn't care. She was long gone about caring about her looks.

With each step she took the other two took two steps back. Haneul reached the other side of the table and stepped down.

"Aww, look at that. Are you scared of me, Jeno? I remember clearly how you used to call out my name when we were in bed together!" The whites of her eyes showed, sweat on her forehead making her hair stick to her face and makeup run down. "How could you despise me after all we had? How could you give up everything after all we've been through?!"

Jeno's throat tightened as he saw Haneul reveal a dagger. The shiny metal reflecting off the lights of the room.

"What does Hana have that I don't? What can she give you that I can't?!" She bent over, her hands reaching up to her head as if she was in pain.

Jeno reached out a hand towards her. "Haneul-"

"SHUT UP!" She screamed, eyes piercing theirs.

Haneul smiled sinisterly, her grip on the dagger tightening. "If I can't have Jeno," a high screeching laugh pierced their ears. "Then NO ONE CAN!"

She lunged towards Jeno, dagger aimed to his stomach. Haneul felt the dagger dig into flesh and she smiled, twisting it and digging it deeper.

Blood ran down and onto her hands, the sound of heavy breathing and gasping filled her ears as she looked up at her victim.

Her smile dropped.

Haneul looked into a pair of eyes that belonged to Hana, who softly smiled at her.


"Haneul... I wish I could've done something that didn't have to lead to this. I love you."

Hana's eyes rolled back and she collapsed to the ground, Jeno catching her fall.

"Hana, Hana!" Jeno shook her. "God damn it, wake up! You can't leave me," his eyes filled with tears as he shook her harder.

"I love you!"

Haneul took slow steps backwards, the dagger clattering onto the floor when it fell out of her hand. Her hands shook as she reached up and touched her face. She felt wetness and immediately looked at her hands, sticky and stained with the dark red blood of her older sister.

She screamed.

The knights arrived to the scene upon hearing the noise, shocked to see what had happened. Upon seeing the Queen hurt, they immediately rushed to her aid.

Two guards took the Queen in their arms, another four staying behind to hear from the King.

Jeno watched the knights take his blood stained lover away, unconscious. He looked down at his hands and clothes that were now stained with blood. His body swelled with anger.

"Your majesty?"

He looked at the remaining men in the room. "Guards," he raised an arm and pointed. "I order and hereby arrest Princess Kim Haneul for treason and murder of the Queen."

Haneul looked up, eyes wide. "No, NO! You can't!" The guards stepped closer to her as she stumbled backwards on the ground. "Please! I can't rot in prison! I can't!"

Jeno's face was expressionless as he knelt on the floor next to the pool of his lover's blood. He hung his head, hands bloodied as he listened to the piercing screams slowly get farther and farther away.

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