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The next few days Hana calculated her steps carefully, making sure to avoid Haneul as she spent time with Jeno

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The next few days Hana calculated her steps carefully, making sure to avoid Haneul as she spent time with Jeno.

She would walk with him as he attended his next duty or send a cheeky smile if they happened to cross paths. She teased him by leaving soft touches on his skin whenever they were around each other.

It was another night and Jeno was walking with Hana to her bedroom. They were silent as they walked, their presence being enough for each other. As they reached her bedroom door, Hana turned to look at Jeno.

Her heart raced as she laid her eyes upon him, never getting quite used to his handsome face.

"I'll see you then," she said.

He smiled. "Alright, have a good night."

Before he could leave, Hana grabbed his arm and pulled him into a hug, her arms wrapping around his neck. Jeno was taken aback, hesitantly putting his arms around her waist. But after a few seconds of settling into her touch, he pulled her closer to him.

"Why the sudden hug?" He asked, chin resting on her shoulder.

"I can't hug my husband?" Hana joked.

Jeno looked at her in surprise.

"I'm kidding."

He felt slightly disappointed.

"Well I won't keep you up," Hana said, her hold still around Jeno.

Her eyes teasingly gazed down to his lips before looking back to his eyes. Jeno noticed, his heart beating against his chest and he couldn't help but do the same.

Hana chuckled and peeled herself off of him. "Goodnight, Jeno. Sweet dreams." She didn't wait for a response as she headed into her room, leaving Jeno to stand there in an emotional mess.

The Queen heard the sound of his footsteps fading away, indicating that he had left. She hummed as she got ready for bed, putting on her nightgown when all of sudden, there was knocking on the door.

Her brows furrowed in confusion and she walked to the door, opening it. Behind the door revealed Jeno's back, who turned around at the sound of the door opening.

"Jeno? What are you do-"

Suddenly, Jeno pushed her back into her room, shutting the door behind them.

"Do you know how crazy you've been driving me these past days?"

She felt her back hit the bed and Jeno hovered over her. She gazed into his eyes, realizing that the Jeno she regularly saw was no longer there.

His eyes went down to her lips before going back to her eyes once more. "If tell me to stop, I will." His voice was low.

"Don't stop."

That was all Jeno needed to hear before smashing his lips with hers, their lips molding together. Hana tugged the strands of hair behind his head, causing him to grunt in pleasure.

Jeno planted butterfly kisses along her jawline before going to her neck and devouring it. Hana let out an unexpected moan and she immediately covered her mouth.

He grabbed both of her hands in his. "Don't. I want to hear you."

He resumed back to her neck, leaving purple bruises all over. Hana bit her lip, trying not to make much noise despite him telling her to. She was a bit embarrassed to say the least.

Jeno kissed further down along her chest, his hand caressing her thigh as her nightgown rode up.

Hana was in heaven as Jeno touched her, her brain barely being able to process what was going on.

But that's when she realized. Jeno did this with Haneul. He made her feel the same way Hana was feeling right now.
The thought made Hana felt dirty.

"Stop," she said quietly.

He didn't hear her.

"Jeno, stop." She pushed him off of her lightly.

Jeno immediately got off, looking confused. But when he saw the doubt in her eyes his face softened.

"Darling, what's wrong?" He put a hand on her cheek, pulling her into his lap.

Hana felt insecure. "You..."


"Jeno, what do you see in me?" She said in a hushed voice. "You had Haneul before... you have Haneul. Why are you doing this? Did you and Haneul plan this to make a fool out of me?"

He caressed her cheek. "I see a strong, beautiful Queen. Someone who I thought I could never have."

"What do you mean?"

Jeno laughed lightly, embarrassed as he looked up at the ceiling. "Gosh, I remember seeing you again for the first time in years. I was so intimidated by you. Why would someone like you want to marry me? A naive, little boy who was younger than you. Granted, it was our parents who were forcing us to marry..."

He sighed. "You're right, however. I had Haneul. I won't lie, she had me tied to a string and we were in love."

Hana felt a sharp pain in her heart.

"But we were young, immature. Who could say if it was real love or not." He paused and it felt like he was reminiscing the past. "And yet even after all of that you managed to steal my interest when I thought you never could. You were charming and always knew what you wanted, something that I had always admired. I found myself looking for you all the time, wanting to talk to you even thought I had nothing to say. It was hard, because I was conflicted between Haneul and you. But I think I finally know what I want now."

Jeno looked at her with soft eyes and in them Hana thought he held all the care in the entire world. "I'm not doing this to make a fool out of you. I didn't plan anything with Haneul." He leaned in closer to her.

"I'm doing this because..."

Hana's breathe hitched.

"You've got me hooked on a string and I don't know if I ever want to let go."

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