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Legolas pov

Its been 4 days since the final battle and the defeat of Sauron, Frodo and Sam were found alive and have been brought to Minas Tirith for healing. I am glad that they were found alive but my heart feels no happiness, Luna was still missing but I know she isn't dead, I would feel it if it were so because we are Faenod's, if one of us dies it means that the other will die of a broken heart.

Aragorn's coronation is tomorrow and I keep myself busy with helping him but at night I cry myself to sleep, my chest aches with the pull for her, it is painful, I want Nin Ithil back with me.

Your pov

I awoke to soft singing and sparkling lights. Looking around the room and I recognize it as my bedroom in Lothlorien, in the chair beside my bed is a sleeping Haldir and even though I felt weak I smiled. I had missed my brother so and to be home and seeing him feels good.

The pull in my chest is intense and painful and I realize I must be far from Legolas, my heart aches at the distance and I long to be with him. Haldir stirs beside me and I see his eyes open, he smiles and takes my hand in his.

"You are finally awake sister"

"I am sorry for worrying you, how long was I unconscious? I ask weakly.

"4 days" he says softly.

4 days. Oh god what must Legolas be feeling and thinking right now? Does he know I here? Or that I'm alive? I look back to Haldir.

"Haldir what happened? How did I get here?"

He went to answer me when mother came onto the room holding a bowl, she smiled at me and came to my beside, sitting on the edge.

"Thank you Haldir, you may go and prepare"

"Yes my Lady" he says and bows before leaving the room.

Mother helps me sit up and she cups my face.

"Oh my little star, you have been through so much. You need to get your strength back, here drink this it is full of herbs that will bring your strength back quickly."

She brings a spoonful to my mouth and I swallow it without fuss, I ask her what I had ask Haldir and she explains to me as I eat.

"A giant eagle sent by Gandalf brought you here, Gandalf felt you would recover quicker here then Minas Tirith."

I finish off the bowl and it was put aside on a table, I already felt stronger and mother helped me to stand, I was wobbly at first but I managed.

"How are you feeling?"

"Much better mother, thank you" I say. She smiled.

"Come you must wash up and dress" she said.

After bathing I was given one of my blue dresses to wear and I left my hair down and flowing like mothers.

After bathing I was given one of my blue dresses to wear and I left my hair down and flowing like mothers

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