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Aragorn, Theoden, Eomer, Merry, Legolas, Gimli and I gallop into the vast camp that's teeming with men, horses and tents. Theoden calls out to a man and his soldiers.

"Grimbold, how many?"

"I bring five hundred men from the Westfold, my Lord."

Another man calls out to the king as we ride on.

"We have three hundred more from Fenmarch, Theoden, King."

Theoden smiles grimly as he rides on. 

"Where are the riders from Snowbourne?"

"None have come, My Lord" says Gamling.

We ride on up to a plateau above Dunharrow and the army's, it is dusk now and getting dark. Legolas and I look around and notice the silence, we see Eomer and walk to him as he is unsaddling his horse.

"The horses are restless... And the men are quiet" I say while looking at them.

"They grow nervous in the shadow of the mountain." he says.

My eyes travel to a row of ancient standing stones that mark the entrance to a road leading away from the camp and into the mountain.

"That road there? Where does it lead?" I ask.

"It is the road to the Dimholt, The door under the mountain." says Legolas.

"None who venture there ever return. That mountain is evil." says Eomer as he walks off.

I shiver and head off to find Eowyn and Merry, I came to Eowyn's tent but she wasn't inside so I go venture to my own. The moon is up now with stars shining as I walked, my legs were tired from all the riding and walking so I was looking forward to sitting down.

A hand grabbed me around the waist and pulled me into a nearby tent. I was about to cry out, but a soft hand covered my mouth.

"It's just me. Just me" Legolas' voice whispered in my ear. I relaxed against him, turning to face him.

His face was full of concern as he looked at me.

His hand was cupping my cheek, eyes searching mine but I dropped my eyes to the floor, I didn't want to meet his searching gaze, not when my heart was racing at a thousand miles per second. Aragorn had said to talk to him but I couldn't, it sounded to strange.

"Luna. Look at me" Legolas said, his voice was low, it had a husky edge to it that I had never heard before, strong fingers tenderly titled my head, so I was forced to look into his blue eyes. He was looking at me with such an intensity that I trembled in his hands, A soft groan escaped Legolas's lips as he felt me tremble.

"Luna I need to say some thing to you so please listen" he asked. I nodded.

"Aragorn told me to speak with you, he said you said something to him about how you are feeling. I want you to tell me too, I want to know"

I open my mouth but nothing came out, I was scared. Aragorn said nothing was wrong with me but how does he know that for sure? What if something was?

"Please?" Legolas begged.

I took a shaky breath, "When I first saw you I felt a pull inside me that is growing stronger every day, I can feel your emotions and when we are apart I feel...restless, almost empty. I felt like maybe something was wrong with me and I couldn't tell you in fear being rejected or discarded." I says with tears in my eyes.

Legolas wipes my eyes, "Luna you make me feel like I could face an army of orcs alone. You make me feel more alive than I have ever felt before. When you are with me the world is full of vivid color because you are in it, I would never discard you or reject you" I sucked in a shaky breath and more tears came to my eyes as he spoke, "And I know you deserve the world. You deserve someone better than me. So, I will take any piece of your heart and treasure it with everything I have. You are the one I am utterly, undeniably in love with, you hold my life in your hands. Shatter it, you have my permission, because only you can. You are my Faenod now and forever".

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