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The 3 days ride to Gondor was hard, we stopped only for a short rest for the horse and some sleep then we were off again. Dior is stronger then most horse but I needed him to rest as well for the battle.

It is the day before the battle and as we sit for a rest and sleep my mind is thinking about Legolas. The pulling in my chest is so intense that it is on the edge of actually pain, when I sleep I'm plagued with nightmares that he is dead or dies in my arms. Eowyn and Merry are there and try and comfort me but it doesn't work much and I end up staying awake until we leave. Tonight is no different I sit awake under the stars while Eowyn and Merry sleep next to me, the last nightmare really shook me. Legolas laid in my arms after being stabbed in the stomach and my powers wouldn't work so I couldn't heal him, he died and then his body faded away only to be replaced by a glowing hand and Sauron's eye telling me I belonged to him.

As the sun rose everyone began to wake up so I quickly shook Eowyn awake and she put on her helmet to hide her face. I woke Merry up and he and Eowyn mounted their horse, I climbed up Dior who nuzzled me worriedly.

"I'm okay Dior" I cooed and nuzzled his neck.

Soon we were off again towards Gondor, hoping we would be there in time......We reached Gondor after a few hours and I almost stopped breathing as I took in the size of the enemy, the horn of Rohan sounded that signaled our arrival. We were 6000 strong hopefully it would be enough, Theoden rode up and down the line looking at us all. I heard Eowyn whisper to Merry.

"Courage, Merry... courage for our friends"

As Theoden gallops in front of the army he issues orders.

"Eomer! Take your Eored down the left flank... Gamling! Follow the King's banner down the center. Grimbold, take your company right after we pass the wall. Forth and fear no darkness!"

"Arise, arise, Riders of Theoden! Spears shall be shaken, shields shall besplintered... a sword day, a red day here the sun rises!"

The sun rises behind us and bathes us in a golden glow, I lean towards Merry and Eowyn.

"Whatever happens, stay with Eowyn. She will look after you." I whisper to him, he nods.

"Ride now, ride now, ride, ride for ruin and the world's ending! Death!" he yells and we all yell with him.

We all ride forward towards the orc army, using the sun to our advantage to blind them long enough to trample the front lines.

We smash upon the enemy like water and soon we are fighting, I use my bow to take out orcs as Dior runs all over the field staying out of the enemy's reach. I see an orc riding a warg and charge towards him, I jump from Dior on the warg and kill its Rider and shot an arrow in the Wargs head. Dior ran back over and I swung around his neck before standing on his back firing more arrows, as I'm fighting I here Gandalf's voice in my head.

"Luna I need you up here, come to the top of Gondor!"

"Dior! Head for the top!" I say to him.

Dior takes off towards the white city, I stay standing on his back taking out as many enemies as I can. We make it to the gate and I sit on Dior as he runs up the stairs to the top of Gondor, we make it to the top and Gandalf is standing over an injured man with Pippin. I leap of Dior and run to them, Pippin is distraught as he leans over the man.

"Please heal him!" he asks desperately.

I place a hand on his chest and it glows as it heals him, it takes longer then usual as there is poison in his veins but I heal him. 

"He is passed out but alive" I tell them and Pippin sighs in relief.

I go to leave and get back to the battle but Gandalf stops me, I look at him confused.

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