3 years ago today is as far back as my memory goes, I do not know what happened to me nor do I want to know but it seems life just isn't fair. I was known as the wanderer in many villages as I would just be moving around from place to place, never staying long in one area. I had learnt many things about myself and the world around me on my travels and even made some friends.

Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn found me by chance in the early stages of my memory, they took me in and treated me as their own child. I was trained in fighting without and with all weapons, Haldir taught me all I needed to know and we grew close, so close we considered each other brother and sister. After a year I left Lothlorien to see the world but would keep it touch with them.

As I travelled I noticed that I would receive strange looks from humans, seeing an elf is unusual as it is but I do look a little different to most elves. Elves normally have browns, black, blonde or red hair, mine however is white and blue and reached my waist and which made my pale green eyes slightly glow. I was also not as straight and slender as other elves, I had more curves that extenuated my body.

 I was also not as straight and slender as other elves, I had more curves that extenuated my body

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(Luna eyes and face)

(Luna eyes and face)

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(Lunas hair)

I was currently riding my horse Dior, he and I had become inseparable ever since I rescued him from a warg while on my travels. A white Raven fly's overhead and lands upon a rock, a small message attached to its leg. Dior and I ride up to the raven and I read the message, I am being asked to return to Lothlorien. Lothlorien is a 3 days ride with no stops or breaks.

(in sindarin)

"Tul- Dior, mín must rinn-" (come Dior we must return)

The raven flew off back the way it came and Dior and I took off towards Lothlorien.


After 3 days I arrive back at Lothlorien, Dior is tired from non stop riding so I hand him over to the elf at the stables. I start walking to the King and Queens residence, elves bowing as I go. I didnt like them bowing to me but being adopted by the King and Queen means they pay respect to me.

As I enter their hall they sit upon the throne, I curtsy to them and bow my head.

"Ceri- ú- peng nin tinu please eri- (do not bow my star please rise)

I raise my head and stand tall, they both come towards me and embrace me in a hug.

"We have missed you my star" says Lord Celeborn.

"And I you" I smile, "Why have you called for my return?"

"A threat is growing and A fellowship will be formed to combat it, we wish for you to follow them from the shadows and help them in secret" said Lady Galadriel.

"Of course" I say and give a curt nod.

I spent a long while talking with them, they told me the happenings of late in Lothlorien and I told them of the places I had seen and the rumor's that accompanied me. I eventually took my leave and headed for the soldiers quarters to find Haldir, I had missed him and hoped he remembered me after being away for so long.

I found him talking to a group of soldiers in the training grounds, from what I could see they had done an exercise wrong.

"Haldir show them how it is done" I say.

He turns around and smiles.

"Bella Luna it is good to see you again sister"

"Haldir please just Luna" I sigh.

He smirks and shoos off the group, he leads me on a walk along the river and we spend time catching up and enjoying each others company. I tell him my task and he pulls me along to the Armory, he gives me more arrows and a new bow and dagger. They are both silver with intricate patterns on them.

"Haldir these are beautiful, thank you brother" I say and hug him.

"Anything to help keep you safe, now come its a ways to Rivendell"

He takes me back to the stables where Dior is rested and ready to go, I throw on my hooded dark blue cloak and mount Dior.

"Ride swiftly and safely sister"

"Be well brother"

Dior and take off towards Rivendell, leaving Lothlorien behind. As we rode on a feeling of coldness and dread filled me the closer we got to Rivendell, I did not know why but maybe it had something to do with my past? as I had never been to Rivendell that I could remember. I pushed the feeling aside for now and concentrated on my task.

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