Fun Video

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Maya smiled while watching as Kayden and Jace was running through the sprinkler while Layla was sitting in her high chair enjoying some watermelon as Josh came outside. She smiled as her husband gave her a quick kiss before they sat down on the grass and Maya switched on her camera.

"Hey, guys. Welcome back and today we are doing a Q&A. Just something small for the weekend. So..." Maya said as Josh got out his phone reading the first question.

How has married life changed since adding Layla?

"A lot. People don't think so but going from two to three is not much different from one to two. I feel like especially now since we have a girl, I know what our lives truly will be. I see Maya a lot in Layla in the little quirks that comes through and I know eventually she'll probably also change a lot as she grows but I also know it won't always change," Josh said.

"I feel like our marriage has changed with us appreciating alone time more. Before Layla was born we kinda took it for granted and now since having our daughter, we rarely get that alone time, which is understandable since we have 3 kids," Maya said.

How is Kayden doing in school? Does he like it?

"For the new viewers who probably don't know, Kayden is our nearly 6 year old son who will be going to first grade next year, and he's been one of our happiest yet most complicated children. From a young age I feel like Kayden has always needed a lot of attention and even now I can see how he still requires it as he grows. But, he's doing good. Kayden has been having his off days every now and then reminding me of his mother but he's doing so good," Josh said.

"He definitely most of the times enjoy school," Maya said.

Is Kayden protective of Layla.

Maya smiled trying to contain her laugh as Josh looked at his wife while he exhaled.

"Kayden is 100% Josh's son. He is so protective of Layla and whenever we say that Layla will go to someone to play, which has happened a few times especially since Joseph and Sophia has a baby boy close to her age, he always talks to her as if she won't come back and she should watch out for boys. I think he's going to be a little Josh," Maya said.

"In my offense, it's not my fault that my son knows at the age of 5 what to expect and what is expectant of him as a big brother," Josh said as Maya smiled.

Has your friends met Layla?

"Josh's friends met her really quick as well as Riley and Mason. Lucas actually met Layla back in December when we went through for his wedding and Farkle had also met his goddaughter as well as Smackle," Maya said.

Is Layla a shy baby?

"Josh, care to answer this one while I get Lay's bottle?" Maya asked.

"Sure," Josh said as Maya got up.

"No. She definitely isn't shy around family but comes someone new in her life and she is so shy. We had started to take her to a play group twice a week when she was 9 months and die the most part it had ended up good but it's also not something that was easy. She's been very difficult at first but now I feel like she has a good routine down," Josh said.

He saw as Maya came out of the house taking Layla out of her high chair while Josh had put Layla on his lap while she drank her bottle.

Are you guys for real done with kids and how did you come to this conclusion?

"We are officially done with kids and the reason why we had decided to stop so quickly unlike other people is that I know Layla has been one of my best pregnancies but it also he hardest one out of all of them. I felt close to Riley because we had both been pregnant around the same time but it was hard regarding morning sickness and fatigue. But I also think 3 kids are a good number to have," Maya said as she looked at Josh who was looking at his daughter.

"I think 3 is more than enough for us and with us we would rather have an amount of kids who we can give equal attention to than have too many kids and not give them enough attention," Josh said.

Does Jace like Layla?

"A bit too much," Maya said as both she and Josh had laughed.

"Jace is very fond of Layla and in the mornings when she wakes up... Because usually Jace wakes up around 6 am and then around 6:15 Layla wakes up and then around 7 Josh wakes Kayden up. Anyway, when Layla wakes up in the morning Jace is already sitting in front of her door and he is so involved with his little sister in every way and their friendship is just very pure and they are the best of friends," Maya said.

"And that's it for today's video. If you enjoyed the video smash that like button and..."

"We'll see you in the next video," Maya said.

"Wave, Layla," Josh said as Layla waved as Maya ended the video.

"Someone has a stinky diaper so I'm going to change that and I'll be right back," Josh said.

"Okay," Maya said.

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