Our Crazy Lives

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Josh had entered the house as he saw how Maya was busy helping Kayden with some homework as Jace and Layla were playing. He smiled at the sight of his family while he laid his bags down and Layla ran up to him.

"Hello, sweetheart. You look a little better than this morning," Josh said as Maya smiled at her husband.

"Today was a good yet overwhelming day. But still a good one. How was work?" Maya asked.

"Pretty good actually. I can't complain," Josh said as he looked at the list of names that Maya had out.

"Old names we had considered for the kids. Kayden, did you know originally your name was going to be Noah?" Josh asked as Kayden shook his head.

"Have you thought of the name Noah?" Josh asked as Maya nodded.

"Look at the one below Noah," Maya said as Josh looked at his wife.

"Theodore Shawn. We thought about that for so long. Like, literally for months. What have you heard from your mother and Shawn?" Josh asked.

"Not much. Can we quickly discuss names?" Maya asked as Josh nodded and sat down next to Maya.

"I want to stick with our habit of using a family name for a middle name. So for a girl I was thinking Amelia Kate or Aurora Kate. And for a boy, I guess we're stuck between Theodore Shawn and Noah Joshua," Maya said.

"Perfect names to be stuck with. We'll be fine regarding all of that. We just need to let the idea of our forth pregnancy sink in first. Then we'll be good," Josh said as Maya nodded, agreeing with her husband.

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