- e n l i v e d -

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• t w e n t y - f i v e •

Karlie sat alone, on the balcony of her hotel near central Paris, having a full view of the Seine River.

An apple in front of her, the color of her blushed cheeks, and a still glass of milk, with occasional ripples as her fingers tapped on the small table.

Adverting her green eyes from the untouched able, she focused on everything in front of her.

The way that all the people under her enjoyed the cloudy day, children at play, couples with their dogs.

For some reason that made her smile, everyone was oblivious to what went on in her mind and life.

On the outside, she was perfect, paid to be beautiful, but on the inside; shattered crystal.

Since she'd left to Paris, her hair had grown longer, and now it's shade cascaded down with a dirty blonde color.

Her smoke like eyeshadow had taken her stylist a long period this morning, and it resembled a swan.

She herself saw herself as a broken swan, with tragic beauty, filled with silence and sadness, nothing more.

Once she had been graceful, happy and as clear as its white feathers.

But overtime, they had become unpure, and shaped by betrayal, and love.

Love had ruined her.

As she saw the river, with boats navigating calmly through them; she bid her eyelids a close.

Allowing the gentle wind, sounds of honking cars under her, and the clamor of tourists underneath her lullaby her to rest.

By now, she was almost cured.

She wasn't going to lie to herself, Taylor still haunted her dreams, her reflection.

There wasn't a night where she hadn't almost felt Taylor's soft pale hands hold hers during sleep.

It hurt her, oh it did, but what could she do now?

She loved Taylor.

And she was certain it had passed, along with her anger for the woman.

Karlie was well over that, over Taylor.

Now, her heart was almost at piece, Taylor was a memory now, wether it was a sweet or sour one; a memory was just a memory.

Occasionally she missed her laughs, those blue eyes meeting hers during long nights of naked skin being caressed.

The way Taylor stroked her hair when waking in the morning, the way Taylor said; I love you.

Her hands closed into a fist as her heart burned.

Why lie to myself. I still love her. She's in my fucking skin.

Karlie's thoughts were seen interrupted as familiar hands tapped her shoulder.

"Miss Karlie? Do you have a moment?"

Giving a heavy sigh, she forced a light smile and turned to meet the happy eyes of Mama Florence.

"Well, you've already caught my attention, what's up?"

The older woman simply gave her a wink, which triggered a confused look from the model.

"Um...what, Florence?"

"Shall I introduce you to your new love interest Karlie?"

Florence stepped back and up from behind her walked a young man towards Karlie.

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