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Oh my God they where neighbors

Erik pov

Annoyed, I sat up from my desk. Why do music teachers have to be so harsh? All I did was go a tiny bit off of what he wanted and boom I nearly failed the class.

Walking out to my apartment balcony, I heard music playing, further tormenting my thoughts.

I look out at the streets of Paris as I thought, wonder how my neighbor Is, she moved in around 2 weeks ago and I've never had a chance to greet her yet.

The soothing voice grew as the song from a few moments ago played, I looked around confused to where the noise was coming from. I leaned over the balcony slightly peering to his neighbor, her window being opened he listened to angelic voice

"But please promise me that sometimes

You will think..." he watched as the girl took a breath for the next part, recognizing the song 'think of me' the play Hannibal. The brunette then began to sing the cadenza, her voice too beautiful for this world. "Think of me!" She then locked eyes with me, a surge of panic washed over her face "Oh my God my neighbor was watching-" she fanticly said, stopping the record button and running to her kitchen embarrassed. I laughed Slightly at her actions then began to walk back inside, she was very beautiful I'm not gonna lie and her voice is amazing.

Maybe I'll greet her, I don't want to seem like a stalker tho- eh I was in this apartment complex first so technically it's not. I adjusted my mask in the mirror in my hall, taking a breath I opened my door.

After closing it behind me I walked a few feet to the next door, nervously I knocked.

"One second!" A woman's voice called, I heard footsteps approaching the door, soon the door opened showing the singer. Her face flushed as she realized I was the one outside, "Uh Hi, I'm your neighbor- I just wanted to greet you sooner we haven't been able to meet yet" Oh my God what the fuck am I saying

She opened the door a bit more so she wasn't basically hiding behind it, "well it's nice to meet you.. uh..." "Erik , Erik Destler is my name" she chuckled nervously, "well it's nice to meet you Erik, I'm Christine daae" Christine smiled as she held eye contact with me. "So um.. I heard your singing a few mi-" I was cut off by her "I'm so sorry for being loud I promise it won't happen again Sir" she rambled anxiously, "No no it was beautiful! I've never heard a voice as angelic" I replied honestly. "Oh my thank you so much, I'm actually going to school for music!" The brunette said excitedly, "oo which one?" "The one by the opera house?" She nearly questioned, "that's a great school, I actually am going there currently as well" I responded Leaning against the wall next to the door. "Oh that's so cool! We'll have to meet up there sometime! That is if you would want to, or maybe get some coffee sometime?" She asked while slightly eyeing my mask, "I would love too, is there any time that would work for you?" I asked her as she thought, "um are you available tomorrow evening? Two of my friends work at the coffee shop down the street so I'm sure they could give us a discount" she jokingly winked, causing both of us to laugh.

"tomorrow sounds great, oh uh sorry if this sounds weird but do you want my number just in case or?" I fumbled with my phone as I pulled it out of the back of my jeans. "Oh yes that would be helpful Hah" she responded as we exchanged numbers, "well see you tomorrow then!" Christine said Excitedly, "Yep until tomorrow" I jokingly winked at her mimicking her move earlier. She gave one last giggle before closing her doom, i walked back into my apartment while smiling like an idiot. Oh God I just met this girl and she already has me wrapped around her finger.

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