Till I hear you sing

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Prepare to have ur heart ripped out lol😀🤩

One year. One year today she left him, alone forever. His only chance of love was taken away from him before he could even have it.

Erik's weak frame stumbled into what was once his place of calmness but now a bad memory, the music room. His shaking hands lit a few candles with the match he found, once done he blew the match out. The man made his way over to the piano bench, sitting down he let out a sigh, oh how he missed his angel. The deformed man longed for her touch, how her angelic voice would soar through the air, if he could just at least see her one more time. Snapping out of his thoughts he looked at the now dusted papers that laid on the keys. He reached out and grabbed for one of the papers instantly regretting it when he saw that it was about her. Tears sprung to his ice blue eyes as crumbled it up and threw it across the room.

"One long year
Living a mere facade of life
One long year
Wasting my time on smoke and noise
In my mind
I hear melodies pure and unearthly
But I find
I can't give them a voice without you"

He began to sing, his voice sounding rough from barley using it.

"My Christine, my Christine
Lost and gone, lost and gone"

"The day starts
The day ends
Time crawls by"

"Night steals in pacing the floor
The moments creep
Yet I can't bear to sleep
'Til I hear you sing"

"And weeks pass
And months pass
Seasons fly"

Erik was now standing up, he glanced at the door wishing that somehow she would be there again.

"Still you don't walk through the door
And in a haze
I count the silent days
'Til I hear you sing once more"

"And sometimes at night time
I dream that you are there
But wake holding nothing
But the empty air"

The man sang wrapping his arms around himself, he then looked over at his old violin, a small painting of Christine sat there. The musician watched as the portrait moved in his mind like a fading memory.

"And years come
And years go
Time runs dry"

"Still I ache down to the core
My broken soul
Can't be alive and whole
'Til I hear you sing once more"

"And music, your music
It teases at my ear
I turn and it fades away
And you're not here!"

"Let hopes pass
Let dreams pass
Let them die!"

quiet footsteps approached the room, Erik lost in his grief didn't hear them coming closer.

"Without you, what are they for?
I'll always feel
No more than halfway real
'Til I hear you sing once more!"

Erik belted out his pain in the last year as he finished, his voice echoed throughout catacombs, a few tears ran down his cheeks.

"Angel?.." a familiar voice called with a saddened tone, Erik jumped around confused if he was hallucinating. His eyes grew wide as he saw the women who saw behind his distorted face. Her chocolate brown curls glowed in the candle light, her forest green eyes that could send him into a haze at any time, oh God had he missed her. She made her way over to him, gently cupping his face, he flinched slightly at the sudden contact.


Someone You Loved | Christine x Erik One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now