Lost & Gone (Modern AU)

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TW: miscarriage in the one-shot and in the show clip

Okay so this one-shot is somewhat based off of the clip above from a show called the tudors,  the first part doesn't have anything to do with this but the second half where it starts out with the girls chatting at the table does. (The ending with Henry storming in doesn't have anything to do with this either)

"So I wanted to talk about something" Christine said, sitting down next to her masked fiance, slight panic flooded Erik's face "I-am I in trouble?" He asked, confused. The soprano let a small chuckle escape her lips "no no" she said taking his hands in hers. The girl glanced over at a small box on the coffee table in front of her, she carefully grabbed the box from its place then turned back to the musician. Then she placed the box in Erik's hands, he looked at her in confusion.

"Open it" she gestured to the box with a soft smile. He did what he was told, opening the box carefully, his eyes widening as he saw in the box. He raised the pregnancy test out of the small box and looked at her in shock, "I'm pregnant" she said with a huge smile planted on her face. Erik's shock quickly turned into happiness, he was going to have a family. Christine stood up still smiling, Erik followed her actions by standing himself. Their lips smashing into each other's in pure joy, the masked man broke the kiss and picked her up, spun her around then connected their lips once more.

Timeskip to around 4 months of Christine being prego

Erik closed the door quietly as he set his bag down then made his way towards the music coming from the kitchen. He leaned on the kitchen door frame and he watched as his fiance hummed and slightly danced to the little mermaid. After a few moments Christine finally noticed Erik at the door frame with a smile on his face, "..how long were you there?..." she asked, embarrassed. "Not that long" He responded, coming near her. He made his way behind her and wrapped his arms around her growing belly.

The brunette leaned back into her lover's touch, his warm embrace made a smile form on her face. Erik looked down over her shoulder to see that she was cutting up some strawberries before he came home. He moved his arm from around Christine's stomach and grabbed a strawberry from the cutting board, the masked man then lifted the berry to the soprano's mouth, mentioning for her to have it. She leaned forward and took a bite of the fruit, she heard Erik chuckle as he pulled the berry away from her mouth. She watched as her fiance threw the stem into the trash from where they were standing, thankfully he scored.

"How was work?" Christine asked Leaning back into his arms once more, "eh, could've been better" he sighed, nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck. "But today has been much better now that I have seen my beautiful fiance, my day has gotten much better" he mumbled lovingly causing her to blush. "How is our boy doing?" Erik questioned and rubbed her stomach from behind, "he is doing great" she responded smiling.

The nice moment was cut short by Christine gasping out in pain and clutching her stomach, Erik instantly turned himself and placed his hands on her stomach "Christine? What's wrong? Are you alright? Is he alright?" Erik questioned, concerned about her actions. "Y-yeah.. I'm alright, my back j-just hurts..." Christine clung to him, trying to keep herself from falling. "Here" Erik carefully guided her to the couch, helping her sit down.

And yet another time skip to when they are going to bed

Erik climbed in bed next to Brunette, before Christine could say anything she was peppered with kisses from the man, causing her to go into a laughing fit. "S-stop it!... st-op!" She giggled trying to hide her face from him, he soon stopped only to move down slightly and kiss her growing belly. She gave a warm smile at how happy he was, he moved up by her again to give her a kiss but was stopped when his phone started ringing. Erik grunted in frustration as Christine gave him a small nod to answer it, he picked his phone up from the nightstand and gave a sigh as he read who was calling.




"Right, see you tomorrow"

Christine watched in confusion as he hung up then dropped his phone back onto the nightstand in annoyance, "they are making me come in tomorrow" The deformed man said looking into her forest green eyes. "But tomorrow was supposed to be your day off, Why are they making you go?" She asked the musician, " one of the stagehands fell ill unexpectedly" Erik responded, taking his mask off and laying down, still gazing at her. Christine sighed, turning her back towards him, wanting him to hold her. These things had been happening more often and it put a great amount of stress on both of them. Erik carefully wrapped his arms around her, he moved her hair so that it would be out his face and so he could put his head in the crook of her neck.

"I love you very much, mon ange" Erik whispered, pressing a soft kiss on her temple. "I love you too" Christine whispered back, shutting her eyes and floating into a deep sleep.

4:08 AM

Erik packed up the rest of his things that he would need for the day, but something kept on weighing him down. A bad feeling arose in him, it told him that he should stay there and not go. The tall man brushed it off as being stressed, he continued to write a note for Christine when she woke up. Once done, he debated if he should wake her up to say goodbye, "no no she needs her rest" he mumbled to himself putting on his mask. 

The silence of the morning was broken when Erik heard a cry? He looked around confused but saw no source of the sound causing him to think it was just his imagination. Once again a sound occurred but as a cry of pain, the sound came from his and Christine's room. He ran to the door concerned with what would have Christine up at this time besides morning sickness but even then she wouldn't cry out in pain. Erik entered and turned on the dim lamp next to the door, then looked in front of him at a scene that made him stare in shock. 

Christine sat up in their bed wailing, a pool of her own blood and other fluids staining her nightgown and the sheets, she grabbed the bloody part of the nightgown, it fell out of her hands causing them to be covered by the red substance. "No!.. my baby boy.." The soprano cried out in grief, She looked up slightly when Erik came rushing over to help her, "No No no no!" Christine screamed in agony. She couldn't lose her boy, no no this can't be happening. These thoughts raced through her head as Her fiance pulled her close to him, trying to calm her down. She grasped onto him tightly, trying to ignore the pain shooting through her body. They lost him, their baby boy would be lost and gone forever. 

Sorry not sorry if I caused any tears I hope yall don't kill me 🥲

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