Incorrect quotes

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So I have a small writers block rn so yall are gonna get some incorrect quotes instead of a one shot 👨‍🦲


Erik: I already know I'm going to hell, at this its go big or go home really


Raoul: Christine daae. Where is your blood orange scarf?

Christine: its fucking red you pretentious slave of fashion


Christine: *points at mirror* what the hell😀


Meanwhile in the phantom of the opera 2004 movie fight scene with raoul and Erik in the graveyard

Erik and Raoul: *sword fighting*

Christine standing there watching them: "I can I please get a waffle- can I please get a waffle?-🧍‍♀️"


Christine: "can you at least try to see with from my prospective?!"

Erik: *couches down to her level*

Christine: "I hate you"


Raoul: I noticed that we have been slowly moving to phase B of our bromance

Erik down on one knee, ring still out: I mean yeah, I guess


Raoul: its funny how brits say lift instead of elevator

Erik: yeah or how my mother says "you're such a disappointment" instead of "I love you"


Madame giry: what's your life motto?

Meg: Gay and ready to slay

Erik: Bi and ready to die

Christine: pan and ready to ban


Raoul: ....wh-what are they doing?

Madame giry: trying to see who's the favorite-

Meg and Erik: *death staring each other at the dinner table while seeing who Christine talks to the most*


Erik: "Ah yEs my train of thought"

Erik: "or as I like to call it, the anxiety express"


Christine trying to talk to her father's spirit: "maybe send me an angle....the nicest angel you have"

Erik in the background: *maniacal laughter*


Erik: "you're so small-"


Erik: its cute

Christine: how's the weather up there hUh?

Erik: I was just-

Christine: is the altitude any better up there ErIk?!

Okay that's all of now :)

Someone You Loved | Christine x Erik One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now