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Damon chased Gabi right into her bedroom. She shifted and was butt naked. "What!?" Gabi said as she noticed Damon taking her in.

He grabbed a silk robe and handed it to her. "You looking ravishing babe!" He said making her tingle. Gabriella's cheeks reddened!

"You turn me on when you're mad." Damon said nipping her ear and massaging her shoulders. His hot breath fanned over her and she felt her insides melt. "Mate stop! This isn't the time to make love, as much as I want to.. We have important things to discuss!" Gabi replied.

"Yeah we do actually, why were you blocking me earlier?" Damon questioned as he pulled away.

"I was talking to Adrian!" She squeaked. Gabriella hated hiding things from her mate. But if she told him it could get him killed. Her brother just committed one of the biggest werewolf crimes ever. She had to speak to her father first. Protect her brother from the council.

"Talking to Adrian? Doesn't look like you guys were talking. What's going on?" He rambled.

"Damon wait! Let me get dressed. I have to speak with my dad."


Olivia walked into James office. His wife was sitting at his seat typing on the computer. Shelves lined the walls filled with ancient books.
There wasn't a speck of dust in sight.

Teresa got up out of the seat making room for her mate. Then she sat on his lap. Her small skinny figure matched perfectly with him. Like a puzzle piece. She wore a gray pencil skirt, black pumps, a white ruffled shirt, and a white lab coat. Her hair in a pixie cut.

"Nice to see you again Olivia." She said smoothly. "My mate told me through our bond that you're our son's mate?"

Olivia breathed in and out, her breathing was quickening, she didn't know what was going on. She felt her claws elongate and she dug into her palms.

They'll heal. She thought.

"Olivia?" Teresa called taking her out of her trance.


"So you're my sons mate?" She repeated.

"I'm not even sure what a mate is!" Olivia admitted.

"What the hell did they teach you in that damn compound of yours!" James growled.

"Witchy stuff." Liv replied stating the obvious.

"Hun she's supposed to be the next leader in line to take over her coven. She didn't have time to learn about vampires, what makes you think she had time to learn about weres?"

At that moment the office door was pushed open and Gabi and Damon came tumbling in.

"What is the meaning of this? Do you two not see that I am having a private meeting?! Do you not know your manners!?" James growled.

"Father it's important."

Damon closed the door. Everything was sound proof. Not one super natural being or human could hear through the walls or doors.

"Find a seat!"

Damon and Gabriella sat on one of the brown leather love seats.

"Speak!" Teresa ordered.

"Yes luna." Gabi replied. Teresa's eyes glowing with power.

"You see brother was the one too bite Liv a week ago." Gabi started. Everyone gasped.

"I've been out for a week!!!!" Olivia shouted.

"Not the point!"

"As I was saying... Adrian bit her and because she attacked. I mean she was a vampire at the time." Gabi continued.

"I was only trying to get food."

"Shhhh!" They all said towards Olivia.

"Jeez, I'm just clarifying." Liv said putting her hand up in surrender.

"He thought she was trying to kill him. So he bit. And now he doesn't know what happened because she ran off. And they're mates so that caused the bite. But that's not what kept her alive!" Gabriella finished.

"Than what did?" James asked.

"Wait I need to ask Liv a question. Was it sun down when my brother bit you?"

Olivia searched back into her mind remembering that evening. She nodded her head yes.

"Just as I suspected! Mother, Father remember the scary story you used to tell me and Adrian all the time?" Gabi asked.

"Yes!" The parents said in unison.

"Think back to it!"

"The strength of the sun caused her transformation!" James and Teresa said in unison staring at each other.

"You're saying she's a hybrid?" Damon chided in! "They don't even exist!" He continued.

"Well they do now, it's supposed to happen every thousand years. On sun down. And when two strong powers meet or combine the power of the sun takes over. It was just a coincidence that they happened to be mates also. Olivia was bound to end up here somehow." She paused letting everyone soak it in.

"But think about it. Someone couldn't have just made up a story about a hybrid! What if the story wasn't just a story? What if there is another hybrid out there? What if the character in the story is real?" Gabriella continued.

"We're not going to go looking for him if he is, we need to keep this on the low until the were council gets here. I'm pretty sure they already suspected a new sense of power in the pack. And this is an order, know one speaks of this to any other person!"

"Yes alpha!" They all said baring their necks.

"Damon go out and look for Adrian. Teresa and Gabi, tell Olivia what a mate is!"

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