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Emma's POV
Alex and I talked with Ash and Ali the next day and Alex was a lot happier after that. I also continued to work on the trade which went through last week and today I signed the contract

My trade is just me for Ash while I know they are still working on Ali's. I haven't told Alex yet and I'm planing on doing it tonight.

Nylah doesn't have to eat a soften any more which gives me and Alex more time to go on a small date. Nothing to big.

Alex has just put her to sleep after feeding her and Jaden is keeping an eye on her for about three hours until we get back

I'm wearing a grey suit white Alex is wearing a dress that stop mid thigh. "Don't you look sexy" I say when she walk down the stairs

"And don't you look handsome" She say giving me a peck on the lips as she unbuttons the three at the top on my white button up I'm wearing under the suit jacket

"So where are you taking me" She said as I grab her hand to walk her out

"Two places" I said and open the door for her before running around and getting into the drivers seat

"That doesn't tell me anything"

"Okey. We are going for a nice dinner and then I'm taking you to a place to show you something"

"And what is that something" She asks as I pull out of the driveway and put my hand on her thigh as she puts her own on top of it

"Well it's a surprise so if I tell you it wouldn't be a surprise"

Then we sit in a comfortable silence with only a low sound form the music playing in the car. Alex is doing something on her phone while I focus on driving safety and enjoying one of the few times she let me drive with only on hand on the wheel

A few minutes later my phone which is laying screen up in between us go off telling me I have got a message which I ignore because I'm having date night with my girlfriend but only a few seconds later another one come through and the upcoming three minutes I think I got 10 to 15 texts from different people

"What is going on can you read the texts for me" I ask Alex who picks up my phone

"From Ash. Your girlfriend is such a tease. From Kelley. Your girlfriend is breaking the internet. From Tobin. Sometimes I wonder how the fuck you and Alex work out. From Christen. You should check Alex's Instagram"

"What did you do babe"

"Well wouldn't you like to know. You will just have to wait until you stop the car"

So when I finally stop the car 7 minutes later the first thing I do is open Instagram to find that Alex has posted a new story. Which I of course click on

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••When I see the picture I smile to myself

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•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••When I see the picture I smile to myself. "Some people is going to go nuts"

"At least people will know I'm not single any more" She say pulling me into a sweet kiss before I step out the car and open her door for her as she step out while I hold her hand

We then walk into the restaurant and get seats after I say my name. We are handed two menus and the waiter walks away leaving us alone to decide what we want to eat and drink before he came back

"I will have a coke and then the taco bowl extra"

"I will have a glass of red wine and we are sharing" He gave us a smile as he walked back behind the bar and into the kitchen. He soon came back with Alex's whine and my coke as Alex and I continue to just talk an enjoy our first date in 6 months

Soon the food arrived and we started eating still wrapped up in our conversation. We had just finished our food when a lady in her later forty's or early fifty's walked up to us

"Excuse me" I was so ready for a homophobic comment. "Would you two by any chance be a couple" Seemed nice so far

"Yea" I answered

"Eh. My son came out as gay last week and I just wanted to know if there was anything I could do to help him. I'm not to into the whole community and stuff so I just wanted to ask" That made my heart melt. This mother was trying her best and it warmed my heart

"Just be there for him. Let him know that he can trust you and tell you things. And don't treat him differently he is still the same person. I myself just came out last year and I'm turning 31 in two weeks so when my family wasn't mad or disappointed in me it warmed my heart" Alex said. I just stood up and hug the women. She seem a bit taken back but soon hugged me to

"Just know that it means the world to him that you don't see him any differently I say coming from a background were my family kicked me out when I came out" I said still hugging her. "You are a great mother and he is lucky to have you" I said before sitting down again and giving the lady a warm smile

"She thanked us before walking back to her table where two other ladies where sitting"

Me and Alex just sat and smiled at each other for a minute or two before I broke the silence. "Should we getting going"

"Sure. I just need to use the restroom" So as she got up I waved the waiter over

"I would like to pay. Please"

"That will be 31 dollars and 47 cents"

"What's your name" I asked as he handed me the thing I put my card i


"And the tip I give does it go to you or to the restaurant"

"I get 5% of it and the rest goes to the owner"

"Okey" I payed the 31 dollars before taking out my wallet and handing him a five 20$. "It's yours. Don't give it to any one. The tip should go to the waiter and not the owner. And I really appreciate that you didn't flirt with me or my girlfriend"

"Thank you so much and I would never. This is my job and not an dating app"

"You can go far man" I said and gave him one last smile before walking to the door where Alex is waiting for me

"To the next location" I said as we got into the car

A/N: I haven't had the motivation to write but today I finally had some so here is a chapter a few weeks late:)

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