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Emma's POV
It's the day after the meeting and in one hour we need to be on the bus for training but right now I'm laying in mine and Alex's bed texting with Jake while Alex is trying to get ready for traning. Now you may wonder. How can someone that is 17 weeks pregnant train soccer. Well first of all. The bump isn't that big and can still be hidden under a shirt pretty easy and two. She cant do any contact training. Back to my texting

Texting with Jake make me realize something and I look up trying to locate Alex. "Babe?"

"In the bathroom" She answer so I just wait for her to come out and soon she does. "What was it"

"Do you remember that day I introduced you to Jack"

"Well yea I kinda do"

"And then you know how we said when we got in the uber that he and Sonnett would make a great couple"


"Well he is coming to our game against Sweden which mean he will spend about three days here and we have all time in the world to set them up"

"Well when does he get here then" She say as she sit down on the bed next to me. "The fifth and leave the eight. And today is the third of you were wondering"

"So I think we should do it the day before the game because that's when we have a day off" I just nod in agreement. "And it can't be that hard to set them up right. Sonnett have been single for ever so hopefully she will jump on the ide with some fun in her boring life" I chuckle at how insulted Emily would have been if she was here as I said a quick yea

Soon after that I also got ready and we walked down to the bus with Tobin and Christen who walked out from their room at the same time as us.

It's now 6pm the next day and we have had a double day and just got back from dinner. Training yesterday went good alongside today's training on the field but also in the weight room which I completely owned after all the years I have been spending going to the gym. The team still complains on how it isn't okey for me to be that good.

Me and Alex have now called Rose, Mal, Lindsay, Sam and Abby to our rook to try and set up the date for Sonnett. They still don't know what's going on and I think they are a bit scared they are in trouble.

Soon a knock can be heard one the door and Alex go to open as I finish making the bed that we almost never make the other days. I then sit down on it with Alex as the five other sit on the one we don't use. "Y'all aren't in trouble just so you know" I say to them as they look scared. They like a bit relived but seam to still not buy it

"Any way. We are here to talk about Sonnett" When that leave Alex's mouth we get their full attention. "What have she done this time" Sam say giving us a worried look.

"Well. Nothing yet"

"Okey. To why we brought you guys here. We are setting her up on a date" With this they give us a questionable look. "Hear me out. My best friend Jack, single since like forever, are coming to the game and we think they would be a great couple"

"Well first of all I need a picture of this guy" Abby say wanting to know who her friend is going out with. I quickly take up my phone and start to scroll in my camra rool trying to find a good picture.

"Totally Sonnett's type" Rose say with in seconds of watching the photo

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"Totally Sonnett's type" Rose say with in seconds of watching the photo. "Yea 100%. I do wonder why you haven't dated him tho. He is a very good looking guy" Sam say

"You have a husband" Mal say while slapping Sam's arm

"I know but I still know what a good looking guy looks like"

"Stop being rude and help us out. We are thinking tomorrow at 6. I will get the reservation and that stuff fixed but you guys need to talk Sonnett into this with out telling her it's my best friend" After some more sorting out we finally have a plan and they leave our room with a smirk on their faces.

After that we didn't do much. Just cuddling and talking until we both fell asleep in each others arms.

I told Jack to bring something nice to wear and I really hope he did. I'm waiting out side the airport in one of the cars the team have rented so I could take him to the hotel we are staying at. Happy that he got a room in the same hotel as the team. Soon I can see the 6 foot 4 boy walking out of the airport and over to me. "It's so good to see you again" I say before I pull him into a hug.

"Well I would hope you wouldn't drop me after all the fame" He joked pulling away from the hug. "With out you I wouldn't have a music career so I would say it's going good for you too"

"Could say that. Well take me to the hotel I want to see T again it was so long since last time" With that he put his bag in the trunk and we started the 20 minute drive to the hotel.

"Oh, just so you know at 6 today you have a date" I said as soon as we pulled out on the high way. "I am not going"

"Yes you are. You have no opinion in this and I know you two will get along great"

"Who is it even"

"That's the thing with blind dates. You don't know before you get there" He let out a groan knowing he won't win this one.

When we got to the hotel he checked in as I waited and then we made our way to his room. I let him unpack while we talked and when he was done I walked down to the floor we live on to find Tierna.

I soon found her with Crystal and Julie playing some random card game. "Okey. I need to steal T here for a bit so y'all can finish with out her" I say before I drag her out the room and handing her a blind fold. "Put it on"

"There is know way I'm putting it on"

"I will go and get Alex or lift you there so just put it on" When she finally dose I lead her to the elevator and then to Jack's room stopping in the middle of his room. "Take it off" She slowly does and right there and then we had a small family reunion before I had to force Jake into getting ready for his date

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