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Emma's POV
The mood hasn't really been good since the lose but everyone has worked their ass of so if we are lucky we can turn this around and take home today's game against Spain.

We are all very focused on the game and to do our absolute best. I'm on the bench today which was kinda expected but I'm going to cheer on the once playing.

We walk out of the locker room to warm up because it isn't warm in Washington that is something I can tell you. After a pretty long warmup we are back in the locker room for the last minute talk and then the starting XI line up in the tunnel as we substitutes walk to the bench.

They walk out and before I know it the game is over. And we won. 1-0. It isn't much but we needed it after the last game. The mood is way better in the locker room today and on the buss back to the hotel. As I sit down next to Chris as Kelley starts to play way to loud music making a lot of people groan and soon they also turned it off so I turned to Chris

"Nice goal out there"

She gave me a thank full smile as she answered. "Thanks we really needed it so I'm happy I could help"

We continue with small talks as we get back to the hotel. When we get to the hotel I decide to do an Instagram post before we head to dinner and that night we just had a good time enjoying our last night together for about a month



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Liked by Christenpress, Alexmorgan13 and 394 679 others

Caption: Good job this camp champs. Next stop SheBelieves😜⚽️

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February 2019
Okey hear me out today's February 12 and in two days it's Valentine's Day. I am in DC while my girlfriend is in Orlando. How do I solve that. I had my last game with the Spirits today and our next is on the 18 which mean. If I fly to Orlando tomorrow. Take one night on a hotel so that I can surprise Alex on the 14 and then fly home on the 16. I will be back at training on the 17 and can play on the 18.

I have talked with my coach and he said I could go so right now I'm packing my last few things and then I need to call Jake about the soon.

The time I haven't spent training I have been in the studio and a few days ago we fixed the last few things and it's dropping on the 14. Have I told anyone? No. So right now I'm going to post a teaser about it and then call Jake



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Liked by Kelleyohara, Tobinheath and 732 910 others

Caption: February 14

Kelleyohara: You better answer my call
          ^Christenpress: What she said

User1: I didn't know she could sing but I'm       pretty sure this is going to be a banger
          ^User2: I bet

Tierna_davidson: This one is going to be good I just know it


The teaser is posted and Jake has just joined my call. "What's up JK"

"Should be asking you that. How your phone doing"

"I don't know might have to check it" I got from my bed and walked to the kitchen where I left my phone. I can feel it vibrating in my head as I walk back to my bed. I look at my phone and laugh to myself. "About 100 missed calls from the US women. Even more messages and my socials are going crazy"

Jake is smiling like and idiot on the other side of the screen. "You should invite a few of them to the call just to tease them more and then leave"

"That's actually a good ide" And I few seconds later I have invited Kelley, Christen, Emily and Alex and they all join just as quick

"Bitch you better tell me what's going on" Kelley say as she see my face

"Isn't it obvious that it is a song" Emily answer Kelley with way to much sass

"Okey, calm down with the sassy attitude" She answer trying to look offended

"Can you both calm down and let Emma talk" Christen say as always they listen to her

"I have nothing to say. I just wanted to see you guys and you are going to have to wait like the rest of the world"

"You are unbelievable you know that right" Alex say clearly annoyed

I just gave them all a smile before leavening that call and setting all my stuff on silent so I can get a good night sleep until I'm flying to warm Florida


Right now I'm in and Uber on my way to Alex's house. How do I know where she live? Kelley. It's pretty easy to get stuff out of her with out she even noticing.

Yesterday I flew here and then took and Uber to the hotel. This morning I packed my stuff up and bought some flowers before getting another Uber to Alex house.

The song dropped at midnight and I was fast asleep. I haven't checked my phone since yesterday so I don't know what people think I it's probably best that way

The Uber have just stopped outside her house so I get out and grab my suitcase before paying and slowly walking up to her door. I take a deep breath before knocking. Holding the flowers in one hand as I try to hold the other one still. I can hear someone moving inside and a few seconds later the door is open and there she was is all her glory

"Happy Valentines Day babe" I said with a cheeky smile

I could see she was surprised to see me here but I was soon pulled into a hug and I tried to hug her back the best that I could with one arm. When we pulled away I handed her the flowers. She gave me a quick kiss before saying "Thanks you" As our lips still brushed against each other. She took a step back and let me in as I grabbed my suitcase and stepped in

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