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Emma's POV
When Alex was done change and getting ready we walk down to the lobby where we were supposed to meet everyone else. Just a quick note. She looks like a goddess

"I see that you very much trust your shirt their Em" Ash say as soon as I walk into the lobby

"Need to start some where"

And when Pinoe finally arrive as last like every other time we get on the buss and make the short drive to the restaurant. We get their and we quickly get seated and the conversations have started

Everyone order and soon after the food is out. Let me tell you it was good but any way. An hour later everyone is done and we are waiting for dessert. So I stand up and all eyes turn to me

"Well, I guess I will start this out by saying happy birthday to Julie" It earns a few claps before I continue. "I'm very bad with birthdays over all so I just wanted to say sorry for everyone that I have missed and I'm going to let my phone go around the table so that everyone can write it down for me"

I sit back down and unlock my phone before handing it to Alex that is sitting on my right. When it has gotten around about half the table Christen look at me. "When is you birthday. I don't think anyone know that"

"Why don't you guys guess and I can give you guys the hint that I have had it under the time I have been a part of the team. "Damn it, I was going to guess Christmas Day" Pinoe say making a few chuckle

And soon the guessing has started. When everyone finally has made their guess I smile to myself. "Unfortunately no one got it right but one person was one day off" And that makes everyone look around. "As funny as it is that person guessed her own birthday" And with that everyone look at Alex. "First of July"

"That are going to be a few days with out rest. You the first, Alex the second, Crystal the third and Pinoe the fifth" Becky say make us four laugh

The rest of the dinner pass by pretty smooth but a migraine is starting to form in the back of my head and it hurts like a bitch which makes me seam a little low on energy and I don't say much.

I can see Chris giving me some questioning looks but I just smile back at her. When it finally eight everyone get ready to leave. We all get in the buss and start going back to the hotel

"Are you good. You seamed a little low at the end of dinner" Chris finally ask as we sit down on the buss

"Yea, I just have a migraine and it literally wants to kill me"

She give me a nod before we start to drive and soon we are back outside the hotel. When we get to the hotel I make my way to the elevator with Christen, Tobin and Alex.

At this point they all know I have a migraine and they are pretty quiet which is nice. When we get to our floor they all follow me to the door

"I will take care of her. You two go hang out" Alex say clearly know I they have a thing for each other and surprisingly they do as told before Alex lead me into my room and lay me down on my bed

"Get yourself in bed I will get some pain killers"

"But I want to get laid. You can't dress like that and then not give me anything" I complain like a five year old but she's already in the bathroom so I just get undressed and get in bed

"You will get laid some other time I promise" She say as she walk out the bathroom handing me a glass of water and a tablets. I take them before I slowly lay back

"Now get some sleep so you are good for the game tomorrow" She say

"Can I at least get a good night kiss" I say pouting

"You are such a child" But she did give me a kiss with out complaining

"Night love you"

"Love you" Is that last thing I say before I'm out like a light


I breath heave as I fall on my back next to Alex trying to catch my breath from the third round of I'm not remembering wrong.

We played Belgium today and we won 6-0. Carli scored 2, Lindsay scored 1, Sam scored 1, Jessica scored 1 and so did Alex. I didn't play but both Alyssa and Ash did which I'm happy that Ash finally got some playing time.

Nothing really happens after but I kinda pushed Tierna out the room so that me and Alex could have some time alone and so I could stop complaining about how I needed to get laid.

"What's the time" Alex ask after we have been laying in silence for a while

I turn to my side and look at my phone. "8pm"

"We should get some sleep we have a meeting 9 tomorrow morning"


We both got up and put some clothes on. I think I ended up with her sweater and she ended up with mine but who cares. She is only walking down the hall and I'm already in my room

We kiss one last time before she leave my room and I send a quick text to Tierna to tell her she could come back if she wanted before I got ready for bed and went to sleep

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