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Emma's POV
The next morning we had early training so everyone got up, ate breakfast and then we were of the the 30 minute buss drive to the training ground.

We stared of with penalties which I'm pretty good at so that's fun. I only let in one of Megan's and that's it. After that we moved on to some one v ones and then we played 11 against 11.

After training we did some recovery and then it was time for lunch. We all get to the dining room and grabbed food before sitting down. Right now Rose is talking about how cute dogs are and how her boyfriend won't get more then one. "Maybe you should just listen to him. I mean you are not home so much" This started a whole new argument about if you should let your boyfriend choose what you should do and after a few minutes they turned to me.

"What do you think Emma. Should your partner get to choose what you do"

I think that question got everyone's attention in the whole room. I just leaned back in my chair

"I mean.....depends. I don't think they should be able to say you can't do this and you can't do that but if my partner would have wanted a dog I would have got her one. Would she want a trip to Barcelona instead of Madrid I would fix that. If she told me not to get another tattoo I wouldn't listen. So it depends" I answered calmly

"That didn't help that argument in any way" I just shrugged my shoulders and moved on with my lunch


We have been back from camp a while now next week it's Christmas I'm spending it alone like the last few years. Jake is never home he always fly to Texas where he has a big family. I know both Mal and Rose are spending it with their families and I can't really ask Alex when I haven't even be introduced to her family

But either way. We have had three games with Washington and I played in the last one which was nice. Me and Alex have been talking over the phone almost everyday and I miss her like crazy.

That's actually what I'm doing right now
"Can't you just fly down here I miss you" She complain for the fifth time this call and even tho it's kinda annoying I love it.

"Baby you know I can. You have your family to spend Christmas with and they don't even know we are together" I say even tho I would hop on a flight with in a heartbeat

Alex just think for a few seconds before turning back to the screen. "Ok yea I get it but I miss you like crazy"

"I miss you to but it isn't to far to the next camp. If I get called up"

"One you will totally get called up and two it's in Washington so we will see you each other any way"

"Who the fuck put a soccer camp in cold ass Washington in January"

She laugh at my comment before answering "I don't know but I don't mind get to see you baby. Well I have to go now. I'm going Christmas shopping with the couple"

"Ok bye princess"

And like that the call ended. I can't wait to see her again but instead of being bored I decide to call Jake and we talked for about an hour and then I got up and scrolled on the internet trying to find a present to both Tierna and Alex. Even tho I wouldn't see them on Christmas I still wanted to get them something which ended up being a necklace with the date 11.13.18 the day we got together for Alex and a basic necklace with a T in for Tierna.

I also order some well needed gingerbreads to me and my lonely ass to eat on Christmas. Then I just got ready for bed and feel asleep like a rock.

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