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Emma's POV
After we cleaned up the mess in the kitchen me and Alex went to set up a Zoom call while Jaden was holding his sister who was still sleeping

When it's finally worked we sent a message in the group chat and people started to join. It didn't take more then a minute or two before everyone was there

"I want to see the kids" - Kelley

"You can't even say hi to everyone first" - Me

"Just show the little girl" - Kelley

Jaden place Nylah in Alex arms as she's shown in frame. A few aww's can be heard through the computer

"She is sleeping right now" - Alex

"She's so cute" - Ali

"Now to the name reveal" - Pinoe

Pinoe and Ash starts to do a drum sound trying to be funny

"Nylah Victoria Morgan" - Me

"That totally fits her" - Alyssa

"Now to the god parents" - Christen

"I thought you was calm about this Chris" - Me

"I want to know. Now tell us" - Christen

"Okey calm down y'all. Don't pull out the knife" - Me

The younger once laugh to my TikTok reference while the other just look at me confused

"Well only one of them is actually in the call and that's Tierna as most of you probably guessed" - Alex

I then sent an invite to Jack and it took him a few seconds before he joined too

"Everyone. This is my best friend Jack. He went to college with me and T. He owns that music label I'm signed to and he is Sonnetts boyfriend" - Me

A few people gasp before attacking Emily

"I can't believe you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend" - Lindsey

"You were one of the people who set me up with him" - Sonnett

"Yes but it was Emma's and Alex's idea. I haven't even met the guy" Lindsey

"Hi everyone" - Jack

The call then continues as chaotic as it always is to someone bring up Toni or Jaden.

Where is the other kid - Becky

I look at Jaden asking if he wants to show himself in frame. Which he does

I like the new cut kid - Mal

Then everyone look at Tobin who is about to cry as Christen has her arms around her fighting back her tears too

Why is Tobin and Christen about to cry - Kelley

You told them - Tobin

Yea. I few hours ago - Jaden

I'm so proud of you. I wish I could give you a hug through the screen - Tobin

Christen don't say anything but just smile

Okey. Sorry to ruin this cute moment but what is going on - Sam

Well...I'm not Toni any more...I'm Jaden with he him pronounce. So I'm transgender - Toni say scratching his neck

Congratulations kid. Just know that we will always support and love you - Alyssa

The once chaotic call is now a bit calmer as we continue talking. Nylah woke up some were in the middle and to say everyone was surprised about her eyes was an understatement

When she started to cry because she was hungry Alex walked upstairs while me and Jaden talked for a few more minutes with the girls before closing the call

That afternoon we didn't do much. We ate dinner together but the Jaden went out to a Kate on the porch while Alex went upstairs to do something

I myself is on a call with Jack just to talk some music and upcoming things for the both of us

When we were done with that me just went on to talk about some soccer and tennis because that's something we both enjoy watching. I see Alex enter the living room as I listen to Jack.

Alex walk over and stand behind me as she ask. "Are you busy" In a low voice so Jack probably can't hear her

"No" I answer taking the phone away from my ear for just a second

She then walk around the couch and straddle me

"I have to Jack. I will call you another day" I cut him of mid sentence and then just end the call throwing my phone to the side and looking at Alex

"Didn't think you would do that to your best friend" She say with a small chuckle

"Screw him. I have a hot girlfriend to make out with" She gives me a smile before I place my lips on hers. And what starts out as a few light kisses turns into a passionate make out session

This quarantine is about to kill me. It is May now and I have done two interviews this whole time. The rest has been spending time with my family

I haven't worked much at all. Well the last few days now I have been writing a song and trying to record it in my mini studio that Alex finally allowed me to have in her office


I dropped my song Wake Me Up yesterday and today both me and Alex have an interview with Julie Foudy so it's kinda fun that we get to do something together

Nylah is now 7 weeks old and she's growing so fast. Both me and Alex has been trying to educate ourself about going from girl to boy so we can help Jaden who has been doing good and loves spending time with his little sister

I have had to download Zoom on my laptop so we could both be n separate screens even tho the fans can't see us. So while Alex is putting our daughter to sleep I'm setting everything up

She's going to be sitting in her office and I'm going to be in the living room so that we are on different floors

I sit down on the couch as I join the meeting

(Julie) (Alex) (Emma)

Hi guys

Hi Julie

What's up

Not to much and I can't wait to talk about your quarantine but before we start I want to meet partners because I happen to know that you both have one

Okey. Let me go grab them

I run up the stairs and walk into Alex office. The computer isn't facing the door. So I make my way around her desk and show my face next to Alex's

No way

Actually yes way

I would have never guessed. Wait this is actually...I'm happy for you guys. Does this mean you have two kids

Yea. Jaden who is 13 and newly born Nylah who is 7 weeks

That's so cute but now we have to go back so I can start the interview

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