Chapter 12

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Things certainly did change for Saturn. For the past year since he got his glasses, his world was more clear than ever. He could see! Thanks to his newfound sight, the gas planet kitten found his calling in the universe.

He became a full out fashionista.

First was the rings. Saturn started wearing rings around his neck and wrists and tail. Essentially, he managed to find places all over his body to hang rings. Then he began wearing anything and everything gold. Before anyone knew it, the gas planet kitten began wearing all kinds of outfits. According to him, he had a good taste in fashion.

According to everyone else, not so much.

Life has been good for the small family over the past year. Things were going great... most of the time. Earth still suffered from memory loss. Recently, she began claiming that she was hearing voices whispering in her head and something was crawling through her fur. When she started scratching, the doctors said she had to wear a cone. As of right now, Earth had to wear "the Cone of Shame" for at least another week. Last but not least, there was Mercury. He thankfully hadn't escaped... yet.

The Sun loved each of his kids with all of his heart. It didn't matter to him that they were a different breed of cat. It didn't matter that they each had different personalities. They were his children and he loved them no matter what. And he would do anything for them, even if it meant adopting more kids.

Let's backtrack here for a sec, okay? Some cats out there must think the Sun must be crazy. Three planet kittens?! Now he was thinking of getting more?! Some say he must not be right in his head. But the celebrity star cat didn't care about those rumors. He ignored them. He loved being around his kids and didn't mind adopting a few more.

So off he went to the adoption center.

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