Chapter 10

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I'm finally back! I'm so sorry I've been gone. Im finished with the third book and I've had homework since like Tuesday or Wednesday. I've also made a friend :) which is a big accomplishment for me. I have another one that I talk to as well. However, I haven't seen Georgia. I talked to her 1st period teacher, mine from last year, and she hasn't been present since Tuesday. Enough of me, you're here to read the book and not my boring life.
Daily check in: how are you?


I woke up feeling well rested. I'm guessing Caroline felt the same cause she walked out of the bathroom ready to go. I'm telling you dressed up, makeup done, and hair done.

"Why are you all dressed up?" I ask.

"We're exploring today." She laughs.

"Um, do you know where Lissa is?" I ask quietly.

"Mhm, shes with Jer."
I thank Caroline and get dressed into something more decent than the torn up clothes I had on the previous day. It's around noon, and I knock on Jeremy and Lissa's door. Jeremy opens it, letting me inside.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me concerned.

"Better, thank you. Lissa?"

"Bathroom." He happily answers. I walk into the bathroom and Lissa screams.

"Jesus Letti!! I'm in the shower you can't just open the door like that. I thought you were someone else."

"Sorry." I chuckled at her. This is why she's my best friend.
"Bonnie, Elena, and Caroline are going to join us in a bit. All us girls are going out for a girls day."

"Ooh, we haven't had one of those in a while."

"Clearly. Davina, Freya, Rebekah, Keelin, Cami and Hayley are going to join us." I inform her.

"What about Katherine and Nadia?"

"They left last night to Bulgaria. Said they had some more bonding and exploring to do." I frown at the thought.

"What's wrong?" She says knowingly.

"What do you mean?"

"Letti I know when you're upset. Tell me." She gets out of the shower, drying herself off with the towel.

"Katherine may not have watched her grow up, but she's still Nadias mother. None of us except Caroline will get that chance. You know, besides the witches obviously." Lissa sighs, taking my hand in hers.

"I know Letti, I think about it too. But we'll have two little girls to spoil and love unconditionally in nine months. Whether they're our own, or not. I don't think it matters as long as we have each other."

"You and Caroline always know what to say." We both laugh.

"Go get your butt dressed." She slaps my ass as I walk out of the bathroom.

"Kinky." I joke. Jeremy looks at me confused and I just wave him off with a chuckle. I go back to my room and get ready for the day. After all us girls were satisfied with our looks, we head out.

"Where to first?" Hayley asks excited.

"Caffeine." The rest of us answer in unison. She chuckles as we walk.

"Thankfully I can still drink coffee." Caroline smiles and claps her hands.

"I can't remember the last time us girls just let go and enjoyed a day to ourselves." Elena adds to the conversation. We were just passing the park and a small town coffee shop comes into view.

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