Chapter 1

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Hi :) I'm Luna, if you're new to my books.
I do daily check ins now, so how are you? I support and try to help the best I can so vent and I'll just read it. If you don't want me to reply, I won't. But this is a place where you can share your feelings freely.

There will be pov changes!


"Letti! Get your ass down here." My annoying brother yells.
I get up from reading, and go downstairs into the living room where both of my brothers are sitting. As always, Damon is drinking bourbon.

"What Francis?" Damon's middle name is Francisco, and I call him Francis sometimes. I do it to piss him off but he lets me get away with it.

"We're all meeting up at the Mystic Grill so go get dressed." I nod, going back upstairs. I get dressed and leave with my brothers. I vamp speed to the front seat and laugh as my older twin Stefan gets in the back with a pouty face. We pile into Damon's 1969 Chevy Camaro convertible, and head to the Mystic Grill.

I walk inside with my big brothers on either side of me. They always do this. They do it to 'protect their baby sister' which I find to be bullshit. My eyes settle on our friends and I rush over, quickly hugging all of them.

There's Vasilisa or Lissa, Elena, Elenas little brother Jeremy, Alaric, Caroline, Enzo, Bonnie, and Matt.
Jeremy is Elenas little brother. Elena is dating Damon.
Caroline is dating Stefan but is pregnant with Alaric and his dead fiancé's twins. See, Jo or Josette, is the twin of Malachai Parker, a siphoner. They're part of the now fallen Gemini coven. Kai killed all of his siblings and killed Jo on hers and Alaric's wedding day. The Gemini coven magically transferred the twins into Caroline and now she's pregnant. When they're twenty-two, they'll have to merge. Basically kill and absorb the other twin, whoever's weakest. We're trying to find ways to get around it.

Enzo and Bonnie are a thing too. Jeremy and Alaric are human, and hunters, it's a long story. Matt is the sheriff, he took over after Caroline's mom, Liz, died. And he's human. Bonnie is a witch. Enzo, me, Damon, Stefan, Caroline, Elena, and Lissa are vampires. Most of the wolves left when Tyler died. Tyler was Caroline's ex, a werewolf as far as we knew. He disappeared for a bit and the next thing we heard is of his death.

"Did anyone else get an invitation?" Damon asks once we all sit down. Everyone nods, besides me, confusing me.

"What invitation Damon?" I ask with a warning tone.

"The Originals, you know of them. We all do. They apparently have arrived in Mystic Falls with their clan, and have invited us to their ball tomorrow night." Caroline informs.

"When was this invitation received?"

"Yesterday." She replies.

"Then why the hell werent I notified?" I ask to my brothers.

"We wanted to make sure everyone got one first." Damon tells me. I roll my eyes and we continue with lunch. Caroline talked all of us into going shopping for the Mikaelson Ball none of us wanted to attend. But every supernatural knows, if you don't do as they ask you're dead. They have a bad reputation, all of them.
Finn, Kol, Rebekah, Klaus, and Elijah. Klaus and Elijah are the most ruthless, the only difference is Klaus is messy and Elijah is calm and controlled.

"Caroline why are you excited?" Elena asks.

"Yeah, this is a bad thing." Bonnie adds.

"It's a ball, we get to go shopping, therefore, I'm excited." She smiles. Caroline is the girly one. Not going to lie, she was a bitch before she turned. Everyone including her knows it, and she's fine with it. She apologized multiple times and still does occasionally, but we love her. She fixed her shit up and now she's going to be a mom in eight months.
She's only a month along, it seems like everything happened just yesterday. Every image still plays in our head, but we try not to let the past bring us down. Things have happened and we can't change them. What's done is done, and Alaric is working on it. Alaric is like the father of everyone. He started as our history teacher in high school, started dating Jenna, Elenas deceased aunt. He became everyone's guardian, even though mine and Stefans is Damon, and is a really close person to us.

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