Chapter 9

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How are you my doves?


We tracked her as hard as we could. It led us to an abandoned factory or some sort of old plantation.

"We need a plan before we go in there." I say to the others.

"Why? There are sixteen of us and three of them." Damon says.

"That didn't work too well last time did it? Klaus, Letti and me. Two originals and one vampire, and yet Aurora still managed to beat us." Kol retorts a little harshly though I don't necessarily stop him.

"Fine. What's the plan then?"


"Maybe we shouldn't be so relentless." Elenas voice speaks. I was too weak to open my eyes and lift my head so I focused on listening.

"Elena, you wanted this. You're just as much a part of it as we are." An unidentifiable voice adds, the third vampire.

"You came to me!" Elena yells.

"Sh sh sh. Don't be so angry now Elena, everything will be fine." A voice I believe belongs to Antoinette says.

"Now, what to do with you." Aurora says blandly and clicks her cheek with her tongue. She lifts my head so my eyes meet with hers. It's been at least an hour and she's tortured me endlessly.
My hands are chained above my head so I'm barely touching the floor with my feet, not enough to put any pressure so my arms are the only things holding me up. Aurora had taken my leather jacket that I had been wearing when I was abducted by her and kept it across the room. It was quite cold, my boots and jeans kept my legs a little warm, more than my arms. They had covered me in vervain, if I was let go, I wouldn't be able to stand or walk without falling. Aurora had electrically shocked me multiple times, tasered me, burned me, cut and slashed me, she even retorted to whipping. Me being this weak, I can't heal. I'll need to feed to regain my strength.

Aurora shocks me again, the electrified feeling shoots through my body. It feels like every part of my body is burning. That sting you get when you burn yourself, plus the shock from coming into contact with an electronic device, sums up how this feels. My head begins to ache and I feel I may give into unconsciousness soon. The only way she can kill me is fire, or a stake and I hope she won't. I don't want to die. Not yet.


We bust through the doors, following the scent of Letti. We stop, picking up blood and.... smoke?

"Is that smoke?" Stefan asks confused.

"No." Damon says wide-eyed. We all race to find her, hoping she's not dying or already dead. She brought light into my life. She made something of me. More than just the bastard son and the family betrayer and the remorseless murderer. She made me into something more. Yeah we haven't talked much, or spent much time together, but kissing her felt unreal. It was unlike anything I've ever experienced in my one thousand years of existence. She gave me a meaning.

I go straight for Aurora. Kol, Stefan and Damon back me up.
Taking down Aurora was harder than planned. I had come up behind her to take her heart but she turned around just as I came face-to-face with her and kicked me.

"You left me Niklaus. We could've been together forever. But you didn't want to turn me. You left me you sick son of a-" she gasps as a hand pokes through her chest, and retracts. Her body falls and Damon stands there holding her heart in his hands. He drops it, helping me up.

"You good?" He asks and I nod.


"Leticia." I hear Elijah and look up quickly.

The Salvatore Sister- (A Mikaelson Love Story) {1}Where stories live. Discover now