Chapter 2

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How are my lovelies? I'm finally back home and can start writing and publishing more often.


We all regroup outside the door, hearing the music and voices of people talking. I'm sure there are going to be other supernaturals here, not just us.
Oh, yes, I almost forgot. We do wear daylight rings, not trying to burst into flames now.

Damon and Stefan show up on both sides of me, holding their arms out. I smile, wrapping me arms around them. Caroline and Elena are on the other side of their boyfriends, doing the same as I.
"Ready baby sis?" Damon asks. I nod in response as we follow the others inside. We stop shortly after and check our surroundings.

It's a beautiful place, for sure. A white and gold interior, truly gorgeous. There are a bunch of people standing, talking, drinking champagne. My eyes meet three attractive men talking alongside each other atop the staircase.
The Mikaelsons.
They begin walking down as the rest of their pack follows.

We meet up with the others immediately, realizing they were approaching us.

"Welcome." Klaus' British accent greets. "Oh, hello love." His eyes are set on mine, my brothers going into defensive mode.

"Calm it." I demand quietly to them.

"Don't worry, big bad Salvatores. I won't hurt the darling baby Salvatore." He smiles. Is it bad that I find Klaus kind of hot? Yes dumbass. Shut it.
The Mikaelsons disperse, talking amongst themselves or with other guests.

"You're into Klaus, aren't you?" Caroline asks when she approaches.


"Come on, we saw it the minute you walked inside. You looked to him quickly." She smiles softly. "It's okay Letti, it's not a bad thing. We'll sort of."

"I'm not into him Care, I'm fine by myself. Can we stop talking to this before we unknowingly get ambushed?"
I leave Caroline, walking outside. This is all too much, I would just prefer a good attack right now because it'd be over and we'd leave quickly. Or just leave right now.

"You're in deep thought." A voice says from behind me. I turn around, meeting brown eyes. He walks gracefully, like if he takes a wrong move he'll fail everything.

"I was, until some Mikaelson interrupted." I reply sarcastically.

"I do have a name, darling."

"I'm going to guess Elijah, because you look hella old." He chuckles at my insult.

"I'm only twenty-three, minus almost two thousand years." I laugh, somehow I find Elijah to be quite funny. He seems just as sarcastic as I am, I enjoy that.
"What are you doing out here anyway?"

"Getting away from... that." I regard towards the party. "I didn't want to come, that should be an obvious."

"I noticed that. You haven't seemed amused all night." He states the obvious. Why seemed amused when I'm clearly not?

"Why are we here Elijah?" I sigh.

"Niklaus suggested it, Rebekah set it up. This is not to kill anyone, little Salvatore. However, I'm sure you have a name?" He looks at me, almost as if he's intrigued by me.

"Leticia." I say before walking back inside. Just when I thought tonight couldn't get worse, Klaus walked up to me.

"Hello love." He flashes that smirk he always does.

"My name is not Love." I retort harshly.

"Then what is, the young Salvatores name?"

"Letti," I sigh, "and I already know who you are so don't bother introducing yourself."

The Salvatore Sister- (A Mikaelson Love Story) {1}Where stories live. Discover now