thirty seven

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"i'm so happy that you two are official!" i cheered as i entered wills apartment, he had just texted me the news and i made my way down to his place immediately.

"all thanks to you" mia smiled as i pulled her into a hug once she ran over to the door. "you're really the best friend a girl could ask for"

"aww i love you" i pouted as we pulled away and her taller, geordie boyfriend who i called my best friend pulled me into a tight hug.

"we're all really living our best lives, huh?" i laughed. "i'm genuinely really happy for you guys"

"thanks beth" will smiled. "don't be thinking this gets you out of beth and will night next week"

"i wouldn't miss it for the world" i smiled. "i've gotta head out but i just wanted to pop in and see you guys on the way"

"where you headed?" will asked me as he passed me a can of my favourite monster, i thanked him. "off to harry's?"

"nah, kon invited me to a sidemen video shoot" i shrugged. "i'm proper excited"

"ooooh, exciting" mia grinned. "have fun, we should hang out tomorrow if you're free"

"definitely, girl gang lunch?" i suggested and she instantly agreed so i made a mental note to remember to plan that. "i'll see you guys real soon, don't have too much fun!"

"oh, shut up!" will groaned, walking me out. "i'll see you later on?"

"come up for dinner? i'm gonna make macaroni" i told him and his eyes lit up.

"i'll be there" he laughed before we said our goodbyes and i was making my way downstairs, my can of energy drink in my hand and my airpods in with taylor swift blasting.

the studio that the guys were filming at wasn't too far so i decided to walk, although my outfit consisted of cycling shorts and one of my own sidemen hoodies, yes i actually owned hoodies that were my own sized and belonged to me. shocker.

i was absolutely freezing by the time i arrived but i shook it off as kon came outside to meet me, escorting me inside so that the security wouldn't think i was some sort of crazed fan who had followed him.

"the guys aren't here yet so we're just setting everything up" kon told me as we entered the filming space that they were using today. "this is my girlfriend, kirsty"

"oh my god, it's so nice to finally meet you!" kirsty said as she ran over, she had a camera strapped around her neck and some microphones in her had. "harry has told me so much about you!"

"aww, good things i hope!" i laughed. "so i take it you do the on-set photography?"

"yeah! look i'll show you some pictures from the last shoot!" she said, slinging her camera off and showing me some really good pictures of the guys. "i was so gutted i couldn't come on the holiday shoot, that would've been so good!"

"it's the sidemen, i'm sure there will be a next time" i laughed, her and kon joining in.

after a little bit of small talk, everything was set up and ready to go, they just had to strap the mics onto the guys.

"what are they even filming?" i asked kon.

"it's their version of countdown" kon told me. "there's not many cameras needed today but if you could just man the second one over there and make sure it's focussed and stuff throughout the shoot, that'd be class"

"of course" i nodded.

soon after, the boys arrived along with tanya, their manager and a few other people who were needed on their shoots.

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