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loud music, sweaty bodies and a shit tonne of alcohol was what i found myself surrounded by and i wasn't complaining in the slightest, jj had made a little speech and was now dj'ing with the professional dj he had hired.

i had found myself stood with harry by my side, watching my friends dance like their lives depended on it.

"how are you finding it?" harry asked me, bending down to my ear height so that i could hear him over the music.

"i'm having a great time" i replied, giving him a big smile.

he smiled back for a moment before grabbing my hand and pulling me to a room i hadn't been in yet but i followed in tow, as he closed the door behind us. i looked around, it was definitely simons bedroom as i saw him youtube plaques hung proudly on the wall.

"sorry, i just wanted some time alone with you where we didn't have to shout over the music" he laughed as we sat down on the bed. "how have you been?"

"good! i feel like the past week has absolutely flew in" i laughed and he nodded, agreeing. "how was guernsey?"

"meh, it was good to see family but it's not the place for me, london is definitely my home" he told me. "i'm so glad i moved here"

seeing how happy london made harry made me think about how happy it made me as well and suddenly i knew for definite that i wanted to move here after all.

"yeah, i get that" i told him. "i'm actually looking at apartments here"

"shut up!" he said, sitting up with a grin on his face. "you're not going back to scotland next year then?"

"not permanently, i hope" i told him. "well, if i get somewhere to live, that is"

"that'll be sick" harry grinned. "as long as you don't lose your accent, that is"

"trust me, i won't. it's my only personality trait" i laughed and he scoffed, shaking his head.

"you have plenty of cool traits, like you're proper good at like, everything yet you're so humble about it and you literally moved to the other side of the united kingdom yourself and proper fitted right in, that's not easy" he ranted. "and you're also extremely gorgeous, maybe that's not a personality trait but it should be known"

"now you're just flattering me, harry" i laughed. "thank you, though, honestly. you're one of the best people i've met here"

"i mean it, don't put yourself down like that" he shook his head, before grabbing my hand. "i don't know what it is but i've never felt like this with anyone before"

"are you drunk, harry?" i asked him, scared incase he didn't mean what he was saying.

"beth, i've had one beer" he told me, looking into my eyes, making me smile.

"okay, good" i nodded.

"but yeah, ever since we kissed last week, i've been thinking about you and i can't seem to get you off my mind" he rambled. "please just tell me you atleast feel the same"

"i do, harry" i nodded along with him. "ever since that day at wills, i've been so interested in you but i told myself it was stupid to think you'd feel the same"

"well, here i am, feeling the same" he shrugged with a cheeky grin on his face. "let's do something, next week"

"like a date?"

"yeah" he exclaimed. "i'll take you out, we can tell each other our life stories and whatnot"

"i'd like that" i smiled and we fell into a comfortable silence before the taller boy placed his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him until i was practically straddling his lap.

"did i tell you how amazing you look tonight?" he said, quietly, his breath on my neck. "because you look fuckin' gorgeous"

i giggled a little, thanking him as he wore a big smile on his face, we fell into another comfortable silence before i heard harry mumble a 'fuck it' before pressing his lips to mine, it turned into a passionate, hungry kiss pretty quickly.

we melted into each other, my hands on his neck, his on my waist before the door opened and a drunk talia stumbled in along with simon on her hip.

"no way!" she squealed before i moved off harry's lap and laughed awkwardly. "oh, shit, sorry, continue if you want"

"hell no! not on my bed! if you want to shag you can shag in jj's bed" simon groaned. "you two are nasty"

i turned to harry who's face was bright red, most likely matching mine but we laughed it off, before going out to mingle with everyone again as it was almost midnight.

"there you are!" will said, making his way over to harry and i, a suggestive smirk on his face which i rolled my eyes at.

"i'm gonna go get a drink" harry told me before leaving to make his way to the kitchen.

"where did you disappear to?" will asked me as we went out to the balcony where a lot of people were stood and i laughed at his drunken state.

"just had a chat with harry, that's all" i told him as we poured a drink at the small impromptu bar outside, i made myself a vodka coke, as there was no red bull which was my ultimate favourite.

"harry better not be stealing you away from me" the boy pouted, making me shake my head and throw my arm around him.

"of course, not" i promised him. he smiled and pulled his phone out of his pocket, taking a selfie of the pair of us and posting it on his instagram story.

ever since wills started tagging me in pictures and stories, i gained followers and fans of will would come over to my profile. some were nice, some were a bit, extreme.

people would comment on every picture i uploaded, accusing me of being wills girlfriend and they were so sure that we were secretly dating which i just laughed off as they were so far off.

i locked eyes with the familiar tall blonde as he made his way outside to join us, he handed me a drink which i thanked him for but also questioned what it was.

"it's a vodka red bull, i grabbed a few cans on my way here because i remembered it was your favourite from last time" he explained, a small blush appearing on his cheeks as i 'aww'ed'

"soppy fuckin' twats" will called, making me give him the finger as harry wrapped an arm around my waist.

"twenty seconds guys!" freya called out to us as we all piled back inside.


i looked up at harry who's arm was still firmly around my waist.


the whole room was full of energy, so many familiar faces.







"fuck it" harry said, turning to face me.



"happy new year!"

before i could say anything, harry leaned down and smashed his lips onto mine for the second time tonight, i instantly kissed back for a few seconds before we pulled away. smiling.

"happy new year, beth"

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