twenty one

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"how's the hitched life?" matthew asked me as we sat in the break room in work and i munched on fries and he dug into a burger. matthew always made sure we were on break together so that we could gossip.

"it's been three days, matt" i laughed. "but it's amazing, it feels like we were together for longer but i'm happy"

"and that's all that matters" he smiled. "you've put your shifts down to one a week, are you coping okay?"

"yeah, i've just been super busy with uni and i'm hoping to get some freelance videography work" i told him making him frown.

"you can't leave me, bitch" he frowned, taking a bite out of his burger.

i laughed a little and picked up my phone which had been vibrating.

harry <3 : hey
harry <3 : heyyyy
harry <3 : i'm bored
harry <3 : give me attention
harry <3 : oh shit ur at work
harry <3 : my bad
harry <3 : come over when ur finished ?

i laughed and typed a quick response.

to : harry <3 : miss u :( i'll b over as soon as i'm finished x

"beth, wipe that absolutely smitten look off you face" matthew groaned. "some of us are still single and haven't found a rich, dreamy man to sweep us off our feet"

"oh, shut up" i laughed, putting my phone down. "what happened with your date last night anyway?"

"he was totally dreamy and super sweet but he kept talking about his ex, total turn off for a first date" matthew told me. "and then he was really rude to our waiter as well, which is an ick for me"

"gotcha" i nodded, feeling bad for matthew, after his breakup with his ex, he had been proper lonely and every date was unsuccessful.

"but enough about our love lives, did you see amy handed in her two week notice?" matthew asked me as he leaned closer over the table. "apparently she's moving to wales"

"i love that you know all the manager gossip" i laughed. "thank god for that, though, she's a nightmare!"

matthew laughed as he disguarded his rubbish into the bin, i mirrored his actions and did the same and we washed our hands, put our aprons back on and made our way back into the kitchen.

the second half of my shift dragged in, i'm not sure if it was because i was eager to finish and go see harry that the universe was against me or if it was the fact that i had to listen to amy talk nonsense for three hours. either way, i was counting down the seconds.

i waited a few more tables, earning really good tips and i only got hit on by two old men, which was a new record. myself and matthew often joked about the amount of old men who came in with younger women, you could just tell they were cheating on their poor wives.

"do you need a ride home?" matthew asked me as we finished up and got ready to leave.

"could you drop me at harry's place?" i asked him and he agreed, we clocked out and headed out to matthews car. i gave him harry's address and directions and we were on our way.

"i'll see you next week" i told him as we stopped outside the apartment complex and he frowned.

"i miss when you were broke and had to work everyday" he sighed making me laugh a little.

"we'll make plans outside of work, i promise" i smiled. "thanks for the ride, matt"

"have fun with your famous boyfriend" he winked. "don't do anything i wouldn't do!"

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