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"beth! are you ready yet?" lux called through the phone at me which was sat on loud speaker on my dresser as i quickly packed a carry on bag.

"yeah, i'll literally be five minutes!" i reassured him even though i definitely wouldn't.

"that's definitely bullshit" he replied. "we're booking an uber soon so you better be ready"

"okay, dad" i groaned. "can you bring me a can of monster?"

"you're lucky i tolerate you" he sighed before hanging up, i laughed a little as i pulled my, harry's, jumper over my head, taking in the scent.

i took my phone off charge and flung my charger into my bag along with my airpods and my laptop, i didn't know what else i'd really need as i wasn't sure what josh had planned.

my breakfast consisted of an iced latte and a krispy kreme donut as i awaited one of the cal's texts to tell me the uber was here and before i knew it, i was heading downstairs with my bags towards said uber.

"jeez, you don't pack light" freezy laughed as he hopped out and helped me get my suitcase into the boot of the car, he also handed me my requested can of monster which i thanked him for.

"well, gotta impress my mans" i winked playfully making the two gag.

"speaking of your mans, ricegum did a thing" lux laughed as i sat down across from the two.

"ugh, don't remind me" i rolled my eyes. "harry is so pissed at him".

"trust me, we know" freezy laughed slightly. "he was going mad in the group chat, he genuinely hates the guy"

"if someone tweeted my girlfriend that, i'd glass the prick" lux shrugged. "it's disrespectful as fuck"

"too bad you don't have girlfriends" i joked, receiving daggers in return. "but i think i shut him up with my tweet"

"that was a cute picture of you and harry, he'll be foaming at the mouth" lux laughed. "he's a scrawny little prick, don't worry about him"

"trust me, i won't" i laughed. "so, do you think the guys will be happy to see us?"

"they bloody better!" freezy said. "we've went to all this trouble"

"josh went to all this trouble" lux corrected him. "have you turned your location off?"

"yeah, i've thought of everything" i laughed. "i told harry we're off to scotland incase anyone sees us at the airport and tweets about it"

"you're a genius!" freezy exclaimed making me laugh a little.

we arrived at the airport and the process was the same, usual routine, the cals bumped into some fans who were super excited to see them and take pictures with them while i hit up starbucks to grab us some iced lattes.

when i returned, we hung out in departures for a while before we finally got to board our flight.

i got the window seat while lux sat next to me and freezy on the far left, it was only a four and a half hour flight so it wasn't too bad.

"hey, do you want to watch a film?" lux asked me, i agreed and we watched the breakfast club, we played our movies on our screens at the same time so we could watch in unison.

while we enjoyed the movie, freezy slept the whole time after complaining that he had a rubbish sleep.

i dozed off a few times and before i knew it, we were preparing to land. the airport process was pretty boring and repetitive until we finally found ourselves walking through the arrivals longe.

i laughed as lux pointed out josh who was stood with a sign with our names on, we headed over and greeted him.

"if it isn't ricegums favourite streamer?" josh laughed as he pulled me into a hug, i rolled my eyes playfully.

"that's mad, yknow" i replied as i pulled away and the four of us headed out and into a people carrier which had been waiting outside.

"so what i'm thinking is, we've got a boat booked for tomorrow so you two hide on it" josh explained, talking to the two cals. "and when the guys come on, you two jump out at them"

"sounds good" freezy nodded.

"and then when all the commotion is done, beth comes on and casually sits down next to harry"

"that'll be funny" i nodded, laughing.

"i've booked three rooms at this hotel" josh told us, pulling key cards out of his bag. "just for tonight as after that you'll be joining us at the villa"

"this is gonna be mad" lux exclaimed. "what time is it?"

"it's seven o'clock so just get to the hotel, eat dinner or whatever and make sure you're well rested because we have an early start tomorrow" josh informed us as the car pulled up at a very modern looking hotel.

"thank you, josh" i smiled as we exited the car, josh waved us off because we all headed into the hotel with our luggage, josh had told us our room numbers so we headed into the lifts and up to our rooms which were all next to each other's anyway.

the three of us decided it was time to get some rest so instead of hanging out, we all went out separate ways.

i entered my room which was really nice, it had a lovely view which was my favourite part.

instead of going through my luggage for pyjamas, i stripped down to just my underwear and harry's tshirt which i had worn for the flight today before jumping into bed.

i scrolled through my social media for a while, checking instagram and twitter before harry texted me.

hey, u free for facetime?

i couldn't facetime him as he'd see i was in a hotel room and it'd ruin the surprise so i had to come up with something.

i'm on my way to scotland so i can't rn

tomorrow morning?

idk what the plans are but possibly?

ok whatever

i'm sorry

its fine

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