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it's kinda crazy how quickly life can change, this time last week i was sat in my uni halls, desperately trying to finish my portfolio and now i'm being ushered into the vip section of a prestigious london club with my best friend and his friends.

i did recognise the sidemen guys, from the odd video i had watched with will plus jj had featured on wills channel before.

"oi, beth! you came!" freezy shouted over the music, pulling me into a short hug, before lux done the same.

"of course" i giggled, before will pulled me up to the bar.

"did you pull harry?" will said, moving closer to my ear so i could hear him.

"no! we just did shots!" i insisted but will gave me a knowing look, which i shrugged off.

i opted for a vodka red bull this time, my usual drink, and much to my dismay, will paid for it.

"i'm paying for the next one" i said and will shook his head.

"you're so cute when you're wrong" he chucked and i rolled my eyes, as the two of us joined the large group again.

"oh my god, are you the famous beth!" a girl around my heigh, with short pink hair asked me and i giggled and nodded. "i'm talia! i've heard so much about you"

"whats will said this time" i asked, jokingly.

"well it was more from harry, but good things only, don't worry" she said, nudging me playfully.

i glanced over to the blonde boy who was stood with freezy and lux, a drink in his hand, we instantly made eye contact and i sent him a cheeky grin to which he responded with.

"this is freya, and that's josh, her boyfriend" talia said, introducing me to the petite girl and the taller boy on her hip.

"lovely to meet yous" i smiled.

"finally! another girl!" freya grinned, josh sent me a smile before following simon and ethan to the bar. "we need to have a day out soon!"

"definitely" i smiled. "have yous seen will?"

i realised the geordie giant who i was with had completely disappeared, until talia pointed me in the direction of him, where he was dancing on the dance floor like no ones business.

"im going to go join him" i laughed, making my way down to the busy dance floor, where will and jj were dancing to mr brightside by the killers.

"ayyy! there's my girl!" will exclaimed, obviously drunk already.

"oi! is this beth?" jj asked will, who nodded and pulled me closer to them. "damn, harry wasn't lying when he said you were fit"

i sent jj a look to which his eyes widened and a big grin overtook his face.

"yo, i wasn't meant to say that" he laughed. "don't tell harry i said that, he'll come for me"

"maybe i will, just to see what happens?" i joked, turning around to see harry staring at me, we made eye contact and he looked away, pretending he wasn't looking. i laughed a little, he's so cute.

"oi, allow it fam" jj said, laughing loudly.

before i knew it, the whole group was on the dance floor, dancing, joking and just having a good time. vik kept getting bullied off the guys because apparently his moves were 'abysmal' but he laughed it off.

levels by avicii came on and i squealed. "i love this song!"

"me too!" harry grinned, placing a hand on my lower back as we swayed to the upbeat music.

"i heard you called me fit" i said, placing my hand of his shoulder to steady me and i went into my tip toes so he could hear me better. his face went red and he shook his head rapidly. "oh, that's what jj said"

"i'm going to kill him" harry groaned, placing his head in his hands.

"oh, so you don't think i'm fit?" i said, faking a sad face, making his shake his head again.

"no! i mean yes! i mean- ugh! you know what i mean" he rambled, making me giggle.

"relax, i'm kidding" i laughed, making him playfully push me away, but i stumbled and fell into will, who wrapped an arm round my shoulder and pulled me in.

"you're my best fuckin' friend!" he said exclaimed, clearly hammered.

"love you, will" i laughed, ruffling his hair to which he frowned, and fixed it.

i turned around to see jj dancing with a short, blonde girl, who didn't really seem interested but jj wasn't budging anytime soon. simon and talia were sat down in our previous booth, talking passionately about something and gee, josh and freya were doing shots, again.

ethan and harry were swaying around to music while vik filmed them on his phone and before i knew it, freezy was dragging me over to the bar.

"you think you can do shots with boggo and not me?" he asked, fake hurt as he ordered some vodka shots.

"boggo? who's that?" i asked, clearly confused but he waved it off and shook his head.

"don't worry 'bout it, it's harry's nickname"

i laughed a little as the bartender poured out ten vodka shots, making me feel a bit uneasy.

"are you out of your mind?" i asked freezy but he ignored me and we prepared to take him.

the feeling of the hard drink running down my throat was enough for me to gag, but i ordered another vodka redbull anway.

"so, you and harry have gotten close" the blonde boy commented, wiggling his eyebrows.

"oh, shut up" i groaned, placing my hand on his chest to push him away. "he's really nice though"

"yeah, he kept talking about you after that night at wills house, i think he might have a wittle cwush" he said in a baby voice, making me roll my eyes at him.

"oh, shut up" i laughed as we made our way back over to the group.

"beth, lass, how are you not pissed yet?" will asked me, gesturing to my tenth vodka tonight.

"drink water between your drinks, it helps" i laughed, taking a sip.

i felt harry's arm go around my waist again and i looked up at him, smiling.

"sorry" he mouthed as he took his arm away but i shook and head and pulled it back.

"don't be" i said. "i like it"

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