thirty one

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it was the day of the surprise and josh had gotten us up and bright and early to go for breakfast, as we sat around the table of the hotel with the eldest sidemen member, he began to go through the plan.

"so, freezy and lux hide on the yacht, i'll guide the guys on and i'll say 'i cant wait to eat these chips' or something along those lines" he explained. "that's your queue to jump out"

"okay, sounds easy enough" lux nodded, freezy agreeing with him as he took a gulp of his orange juice.

"and then beth will come on and sit next to harry without saying a word, like dead casual" josh said, nodding towards me. "if we pull this off it'll be a class segment of the video"

we all agreed to meet back in the hotel lobby in an hours time, giving me time to go upstairs and get ready.

i wasn't sure what to wear but i decided on a floaty yellow sundress, along with a bikini underneath it and my white converse.

i decided on proper light make up as it was absolutely roasting and i'd probably just sweat it off anyway, i pulled my curls into a high ponytail.

after that, i decided to chill for a while, i had texted harry this morning but he hadn't responded which scared me as i think he may be upset at me. but surely he'll forgive me when we surprise him later? right?

i soon enough made my way downstairs to the lobby, seeing everyone stood around. i smiled and made my way over to the guys and we made our way out.

kon and baz were following along with cameras, documenting the full process and before i knew it, we were at a dock filled with super yachts and boats.

the three boys plus baz all boarded the yacht to find hiding places while myself and kon stayed at the bottom, making small talk.

"so, you're into filmography and photography as well?" kon asked me as he changed the lens on the camera he was filming with.

"yeah! i'm working towards a degree in filmography" i told him and he nodded along with me.

"that's class" he told me. "y'know, if you're looking for any work, we can always use a few helping hands with shoots"

"for real? that would be amazing!" i told him.

"i do music video shoots sometimes as well, i'm shooting one for jj in a few weeks, you should definitely come and hang out on the set and help out" he informed me and i instantly took him up on his offer.

"that would be amazing, thanks so much!"

we chatted for a few more minutes before josh came down and showed me where to hide as the boys were about to arrive so i waited around until josh would text me.

i heard the boys screams when they discovered the two non-sidemen members on the boat and i smiled fondly at how sweet their friendship was.

my phone buzzed with the signal from josh and i slowly made my way up and onto the yacht, no one noticed as they had planned to distract harry with some sort of information about fifa.

i smiled to josh as i flung myself down on the sofa next to harry. "what did i miss?"

"oh my fucking god!" harry grinned as he flung himself on top of me, his arms instantly going around my waist and kisses being placed all over my face.

"oi, harry, let us see her, she's our friend you know!" jj groaned as harry pulled away and i instantly got a bear hug from jj, followed by one from tobi.

"i cant believe you were in on this, as well" harry laughed as he kissed me again, making everyone else fake gag.

"one more surprise" josh said and we all looked around, confused before the rest of the sidemen guys boarded the yacht along with will, freya, and talia.

everyone went crazy, hugs all around as everyone made their way into the boat.

"there he is!" i exclaimed as i ran towards will and pulled him into the biggest hug.

after everyone settled down and we sat around the dinner table, jj piped up.

"ayo aren't they supposed to be out in shitty benidorm?" he asked, motioning to simon, vik and ethan who had been unfortunate enough to be on the bad team.

"yeah but they had suffered enough, and i accidentally only booked stuff for two days and booked stuff for four days for you guys" josh shrugged. "plus i think we all deserve a holiday together"

"fair enough" harry shrugged, placing an arm around my shoulder as he sat back on the sofa. "so, what now?"

"now, we party!" simon exclaimed and josh laughed, pressing play on the speaker which played some mainstream chart song. i smiled contently as i looked around at all of the familiar faces, it was so amazing to be apart of this friendship group.

"oi, ricegum is moving mad!" ethan exclaimed as he held his phone up for us to read his latest tweet.

he had replied to my tweet of me and harry saying 'cute boyfriend, come to me when you're looking for a manfriend ;)' which made me gag slightly.

"that fucking pussy" harry groaned, bawling his fists up, i put my arm around him to calm him down.

"haz, it's okay" i said. "he's a weirdo"

"i say you drop another diss track when we're home" jj shrugged, taking a swig of his drink, all of the guys agreeing.

"you don't need to sink to his level" talia shook her head and i agreed, it would be silly for harry to drop a diss track over something so small, plus all ricegum is looking for was a bite.

"if he fancies beth so much, release a sex tape instead" simon pointed out, making talia whack him in the chest.

"you're disgusting" i laughed. "let's just forget about him, he's irrelevant"

"you're right" harry said, placing a kiss on my cheek.

thank u for all the reads, votes and comments !!
ur gonna hate me for the next chapter tho xx

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