Days of such

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Reina's pov

That's all I can feel as I start to shuffle my body around.
I can feel the soft comfy mattress of my bed underneath me.

'Wait what, mattress?'

I suddenly open my eyes sitting up straight away only adding to my dizziness.
"You need to lay down....... you lost a lot..... of .....blood",
Looking up I can see the vampire version of pumpkin also known as Azusa.
"You've been.....sleeping a long time... I thought might of... died. I d-don't want to die" he continued whilst walking out of the door frame to sit next to my now sat up form.
"Your warm" he spoke softly cuddling into my arm.
"What happened?" I asked confused trying to subside my piercing headache witch was racking through my brain.
"Mmmm you ....passed out" he answered rubbing his dishwasher grey green hair into my side.
The memory's flooded through my brain remembering what happened.
"How long have I been asleep?" I asked curiously.
"A few hours it's .....morning now, we're just ..about to.... have breakfast. And I... was told to.... check ..up on you..... and too see if you ......are ..up" he spoke once again looking up to me with his droopy lilac eyes.
"Come on... we better... go downstairs now" he pulled me up carefully and held tightly onto my hand clearly cautious of my light headedness.

As we were walking into the kitchen the table had already been filled with all sorts of different foods, I was carefully put to a chair as I tried to avoid contact with the others after what had happened last night.

"Me and Teddy have decided to forgive you" Kanato claimed walking into the kitchen/dining room before sitting opposite me.
"Forgive me?" I ask confused.
"Yes you promised me and teddy that you would make breakfast for us, you didn't. But Teddy convinced me to forgive you, be grateful" Kanato finished before smiling down to Teddy.
"Teddy says good morning" he happily states lifting teddy up to me.
"Good morning Teddy" I spoke before carefully risking my very existence to pet Teddy's head lightly. To my surprise and fortune Kanato didn't react what so ever just placing Teddy back on his lap.
'Kanato can be absolutely adorable some of the times and then the spawn of satan on others'

"Good morning dolly, how was your beauty sleep?" A flirtatious voice called out before setting himself in the chair next to mine with his head rested on his hand looking at me with hooded eyes.

"It was alright" I say sceptically thinking he has more to his words.

"Mmmm well I had a great night dolly" he claimed but before he could explain why the others had all come in and the rest of the food was presented onto the table.
"Eat up"
Within the next 10 minutes all the food had gone and the vamps had started to disappear after their fill.

Actually feeling motivated for once I decided to help clean up, mainly me washing all the used dishes and plates.

Whilst I was washing up I feel a pair of arms wrap loosely around my waist and a small thump hit my shoulder.
"Azusa, you ok?" I ask the shorter vampire knowing it's him.
"Do you want a hug?" I ask. I can then feel him nod his head against me.

"Ok then" I quickly dried my hands and turned to hug the small bean as his frail arms tighten into the hug.
We where just enjoying our moment until Yuma came into the kitchen.
"Oi sheep we need to buy food" he demanded causing me and Azusa to separate slowly and turn to him.
"What the hell do you mean my fridge was full" I told him utterly confused going to open my fridge, only to find it completely empty.
"Now how did this happen?" I ask the fridge and myself.
I turn and look up to Yuma.
"Yes your right we need food" I say then go back over to the Cinnabun and give him more hugs.

"No idiot we need to go shopping to get more" Yuma says clearly annoyed by my lac of interest.
"And why do we need to go?" Starting to get pissed off by his interrupting presence.
Next thing that's happening is that I've been pulled away from adorable Azusa and being dragged through my house out the front door with a large firm hand gripped around my wrist.
"HEY LET GO" I call out trying to pull away
'RUDE'I thought giving up as I have realised he ain't letting go.

After that I had been dragged to my car and thrown into the passenger side whilst he got in the drivers side.
"Why did I have come?" I asked pouting.
"Great now your acting like a bratty child" he grumbled out
Offended I retorted "well at least I ain't a giant mean lump of shit"
'Yeah that'll get him' well that's what I thought till he started laughing.
"That all you got, wow you really are a child".
"Blood sucking leach" I mumbled under my breath folding my arms over my chest only resulting him chuckling more.
"Yeah yeah" after that we where mostly sat in silence until we reached the store.

"Oi don't park my car here they all get nicked round here" well when I say we reached the store I mean the car park was full so we had to park a couple streets away in a not so nice neighbourhood where cars get stolen or damaged all the time.
"It'le be fine, hurry up let's go" he ended exiting the car.
"My car goes missing you die" I say making sure he's got the message.

Upon entering the store I was dragged over to the gardening section where he instantly started rummaging through seed packets chucking some into the basket I was forced to carry.
"Why do you need all these?" I ask, I know the answer but I want to know what he's planning.
"Gunna plant them idiot" he said as if I was stupid.
"I knew that but where?" I ask the actual question I want to know.

"Well your garden at the moment but I'm gunna plant them in pots so when we all move I won't have to dig up the roots and damage them" he said softly for once still looking through gardening stuff.
'This must be his hobby, he seems so different now than before'


"Move house, y'all are moving out?" I asked, I don't know what to feel at this point, I never expected them to move out I mean well they did all have to share rooms and beds with at least 4 others and then the couch and stuff but I never saw this coming so soon. I'm going to be alone again and this time I don't even have any pets to look after. I felt sad.

"We all of us you included,so you can stop looking like that" he said referring to my once sadden expression which has now been morphed into shock.

"We all of us you included,so you can stop looking like that" he said referring to my once sadden expression which has now been morphed into shock

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12 November 2021
1207 words

Diabolik Cats (diabolik lovers cast x oc) slight yandere Where stories live. Discover now