The other cats: operation sneak in

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Someone's POV

'I can't believe these two' my eyes shot onto the two familiar looking cats cuddling up to a woman 'how can they be so calm given our situation and just find a random human woman to take care of them'

"HE'S MINE" great another tantrum sigh. I jump off the window ledge and walk towards a nearby ally way ,where the others I found were camping out.



A small lilac kitten is aggressively stalking up to a bold red slightly bigger kitten who happens to have a small brown item who wears an eyepatch in his mouth. The two small cats start running around chasing each other and the red one happens to run into a brick wall,
Or so he thought. A spotless white kitten stands boldly in front of the red kitten who fell on impact, the white cat narrowing his eyes whilst the red one stand up.

"What the hell Subaru get out of my way!" The red cat demands angrily yet the white one now known as Subaru doesn't move.

"GIVE TEDDY BACK" by this time the small purple cat had caught up to the red snatching back the object now identified as teddy, who had also shrunk when they were transformed.

"Enough" the dark purple almost black slightly bigger cat said to the three. Just dropped from his mouth was a shrunken cat sized ,dark coloured fedora with a deep red ribbon around it. The spectacled male found it on the streets and with him being the good mother of the group he decided picked it up and hold onto it till he found the owner.

"Whilst we are here we have to be cautious of pet control who would take us away. Although I have a hunch I know where the other two are" the deep purple cat informed the others holding authority.
The other lot looked at him curiously as he walked towards a house and jumped back onto a window ledge the other following suit.

All the cats looked through the window to see non other than their two missing brothers and a rather pretty female all together on a couch watching tv.

"Yep that's them"the white cat contributed then jumping off the ledge to walking around the house for some reason.

"I wonder who that woman is teddy" the lilac one says but it comes out all muffled as the only way he can hold teddy now is in his mouth as there was no room to place him down but the cat didn't seem to mind.

"WHAT so whilst we have been living out in the cold rainy streets they have being living a life of luxury in there!!" The red cat yelled angrily spewing jealousy.

The dark purple cats POV

Suddenly the woman got up and started frantically looking around then she grabbed her bag and kissed the two cats she has 'adopted' on the head heading towards the door. I signal the other two to also jump of the ledge as to not be seen noticing the youngest of us missing.

"I'll be back soon baby's" the woman told the two cats inside whilst exiting the door looking it behind her then she started to walk swiftly down the street.

"Now we need to get inside somehow and get those two. Where's Subaru?" I question looking towards the two younger cats both of them look around now knowing that the youngest is absent.

"Don't know" Ayato huffed out not really caring.

"Teddy says he saw him go around the side of the house"the lilac kitten spoke but he hadn't put teddy down so it came out muffled again.

"Kanato put the bear down and speak proplerly" I responded with an edge to my tone to the muffles coming out of Kanato's mouth but before he could put the bear down the white cat reappeared from the side of the house.

"Where were you?" I demand narrowing my eyes and furrowing my car eyebrows.

"Tch I was seeing if there was a way in" he responded sitting down and looking away.

"And?"I ask hoping for a good result.

"There's an open window at the back to the basement which we could probably squeeze through"

"Good thank you" I take my leave to the behind of the house the other following in tow behind. I see the window and cautiously look inside for any risk of casualty, non to be seen .
I squeeze through the tight gap and I luckily made it, as I was the largest of these four that meant they would be able to fit too. I jump to the closest shelf and make my way down to the floor safely jumping from spot to spot, however the other three weren't as keen of the height especially Ayato.

" hurry up she will be back soon" Kanato started to go through the gap but the bear was making it difficult to see, so this was an accident waiting to happen.

"Kanato throw down the bear" I told him

"HOW DARE YOU EVEN ASK THAT OF ME, HE IS MY BEST FRIEND HE WILL NEVER LEAVE ME" Kanato yelled still muffled but this time you could just about here what he was trying to say.

"Sigh, I will catch him you can't see enough carrying him, DROP HIM" I hissed having enough of this situation.

"CATCH HIM OR YOU DIE" Kanato finished then hesitantly leaned over the side of the shelf my way furrowing his eyebrows, and then dropped the bear towards me.
Dropping laito's fedora I catch the bear in my mouth disregarding my need to throw up as I could feel his saliva all over the bear, and placed it on the floor looking straight back up to see Kanato un-furrowing his eyebrows knowing that teddy was safe.
He then proceeded to make his way down the rest of the way jumping on all the same spots that I did to get down then dashed straight to teddy picking him back up.

"Ayato hurry up"I tell him from the bottom.

"Why do I have to go next tell tsundere to go" Ayato demanded weakly insulting Subaru whilst stepping back.

"If Subaru goes next you won't come in at all, HURRY UP" this is stressing me out so much right now but Ayato still hasn't come through the window.

"SUBARU" knowing that Subaru is stronger than Ayato and the fact that them two probably have the worst relationship in the whole house I call him to help.
The next thing I know Ayato is being pushed through the window whilst yelling curses at Subaru which I find mildly amusing.
Next thing I know Ayato is through the window peering over the edge wide eyed.

 Next thing I know Ayato is through the window peering over the edge wide eyed

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8 July 2021
1144 words

Diabolik Cats (diabolik lovers cast x oc) slight yandere Where stories live. Discover now