A little discusion

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-that evening-

After Reina went to sleep the cats decided to hold a meeting.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE?" Ayato yelled towards the 'new' cats,

"Thrilled to see you too"Carla spoke glaring at the red cat.

The cats then formed a sort of circle.

"So Why are you here?"Reiji asks sensibly.

"We awoke in a box in which that woman found us, then she brought us back here" Ruki replied to Reiji.

"I don't see why she picked you up, SHE ALREADY HAS ALL SHE NEEDS, NOT YOU. Isn't that right Teddy" kanato yelled his bipolar side coming out with Teddy sat in front of him.

"Your just jealous and know that she will love us more or well at least me more than you" Kou teased.

"You wish, she only took pity on you" Subaru stated turning away.
Ayato Laito and Kanato started laughing.

"OI SHUT UP"Shin started to yell .

"Oh be quiet milkshake" Yuma taunted to the ginger.
Multiple of the cats started laughing all while both the golden eyed first bloods glared at him. Shin went attack Yuma until Carla stopped him.
"Shin don't".

"Your acting like your name isn't stupid" Shin settled for after not going in to physically fight.

"Oh let's all be honest here,all our cat names are ridiculous"Shu enters the conversation with.

"I quite.....like....my..name"Azusa states giving off a small cat smile.

"Yeah same"Kou agreed.

"Well that's cos your two names are cute"Laito interjected his voice swarmed with jealousy.

"That's off topic. I assume that we are all here for punishment" Reiji stated knowing that that was the only plausible explanation.
"That is the only thing I can think of too"Ruki agreed.

"It was your fault anyway"Ayato stated glaring at Ruki

"I think you'll find it was your lot actually"Ruki responded glaring at the Sakamakis.

"She ran away end of discussion"the lazy blonde ended.
Fed up with this discussion Shu stalked into Reina's room and jumped onto her bed with her sleeping form next to him, curling up into her shoulder.

"Come one Teddy let's go to bed I know you must be tired"Kanato started stalking into her room.

"HER TITS ARE ORE-SAMA'S"Ayato yelled sprinting into Reina's room Laito,Kou and Yuma chasing behind.

"Tch" was all that came from Subaru as he walked into Reina's room with him thinking that he's just looking to make sure they don't kill her, even though there is a much deeper emotion bubbling.

The remaining five glanced at each other then followed into the room.

Upon entering the room the other cats sweatdropped finding Ayato proudly stood upon her chest boasting to the others. Laito pouted going to her thighs again claiming that that was the next place. Yuma went to her waist, Kou snuggled to her stomach, Subaru was in close distance to her face against the pillow and lastly Kanato was snuggled straight into her neck Teddy with him.

Diabolik Cats (diabolik lovers cast x oc) slight yandere Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang