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Shu's POV

I open my eyes to find a pretty girl ,
I am confused.

Then I remember looking down at my paws , I am a cat.
I fall back asleep, or at least tried
'I need my music it's so dull without it'

Reina's POV

I awoke to a fluff ball of yellow cuddled up close to my neck and chest.
I started to pet him not being able to withstand his cuteness.
"Morning Duck" I mumbled waking him up,
but he was having non of it and glared at me the went back to sleep.

"Oii lazy cat, wake up"I snapped
No reaction

"Sigh I guess your not moving" I spoke whilst climbing out of bed
"Lazy bitch" I muttered under my breath unaware that two Safire eyes were darted at me staring at my every move.

As i got to the bottom of the stairs I was walking towards the kitchen to get a drink,


I jumped out of my skin dropping the glass ,I had just filled with water ,in the process as I turned to see Duck sat on the island with half open eyes ,looking done with the world.

"HOW DID YOU GET DOWN HERE?" I half yelled, confused of how he wasn't still asleep upstairs and how I didn't see him pass me.

"Meow" was all he responded then closed his eyes still sat on top of the counter.
After calming down from my nasty scare I fixed Duck a bowl of tuna and then started to clean up the mess on the floor I just made. I turned around expecting to see my yellow ball of fluffy cuteness only for him not to be there. I deadpanned realising that he will be asleep on the couch.

I walked up to him on the couch picked him up and put him in a cat carry bag. He was not happy.

Ignoring all the hissing I put him in the car. I am rather surprised to see him awake so long all he does is sleep. Although when I turned around to the bag he was yet again fast asleep. I then got in the car driving straight for the pet store with one objective,
Get stuff to entertain Duck so he wont sleep all the time.

Shu's POV from waking up

When she got up I instantly got up as well. What can I say I was hungry. Then I was planning on following her but ended up teleporting (much easier).
'Well at least I don't need to walk' my caretaker then came into the kitchen surprised to see me but she overreacted too much 'so noisy'. At leased that woman remembered to feed me.

As I was doing my usual she grabbed me and shoved me into a bag
and then shoved me into a car. 'If she even thinks about getting rid of me then she has another thing coming'


As Reina parked her car she lifted the cat bag and stared to walk forward into the pet shop.
As they walked through the door Duck opened one of his eyes then immediately closed it and went straight back to sleep in his new cat bag which he found surprisingly very comfy.

Reina started strolling around the isles looking up and down for stuff that might interest Duck and her eyes caught onto something perfect for him.

Reina's POV

Whilst I'm strolling around the shop I remember that Duck needs a collar. My eyes land straight for the collar section to look for the perfect one. Then I see the most perfect collar for Duck.

 Then I see the most perfect collar for Duck

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It's perfect to go with his eyes.

"Hey Duck isn't this just perfect for you"
Duck gave no reaction
"At least look at it"
Duck opened one eye
Then closed it


"Ooooo that's good baby, now you have a collar"
Ducks eyes open surprised to his little nickname once again.
"Now we need you a bed"
Duck didn't like that idea and hissed.
"You can't just stay in my bed all the time"I informed him
Duck yet again ignored me.

I started walking towards the beds but Duck had absolutely no interest so I ended up just picking a random blue bed to go with his collar.

I started walking towards the beds but Duck had absolutely no interest so I ended up just picking a random blue bed to go with his collar

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Duck still had absolutely no interest in his new bed. I started walking around the shop to collect some cat toys and yet again he had no interest in. However when we came around to the cat food isle Duck didn't seem to want to have anything to do with cat food,I have to agree with him cat food looks and smells disgusting.

"Do you just want me to buy you normal fish and tuna"
Duck meowed in agreement for once answering my question.
I decided that we had enough for him for the time being and to go home.

When we arrived home I put Ducks new collar on and placed the bed on the floor along with his toys.
Duck dead ass walked straight past all his new toys and jumped up onto the sofa and went to sleep.

"DUCK" I yelled slightly saddened.
He opened one eye stared at me closed it and went back to sleep ignoring me, So the usual.
"Fine I'm going food shopping" I huffed leaving Duck with all his new toys and bed, hoping he'd at least move whilst I was out.
"Don't break anything, that is if you even bother to move lazy cat" I told him before leaving.

Shu's POV couple hours later

It has been a few hours since my new caretaker has left and I still don't know her name nor the reason why she adopted a random stray cat out of nowhere ,but hey it's warm and I get cuddles and food.

-the door unlocks-

'Great she's finally home now I can eat'

"You and Duck will get along just purrrfectly " she started giggling

who is she talking to?

"Now why don't you go in there whilst I put the food away"


I sat up somewhat curious and annoyed as too who this person is and god did I wish I hadn't bothered.

"Fufufu hello big brother, so nice to see you again"


1057 WORDS
Edited 2 February 2022

Diabolik Cats (diabolik lovers cast x oc) slight yandere Where stories live. Discover now