And so It begins

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Jesus Christ they are "VAMPIRES"

By this time all of them had entered the kitchen smirking at me after a while they looked rather confused,

"Why aren't you screaming and running doll-chan" Laito asked looking rather disappointed.
"Well you have already turned out to be cat-men who can turn into people, the vampire thing isn't really as surprising" I spoke.

Disbelief shon on everyone's face for a few moments until I decided to get back to cutting fruit as the others disappeared.

Disbelief shon on everyone's face for a few moments until I decided to get back to cutting fruit as the others disappeared

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"What are you both making" I question trying to make small talk also trying to diffuse the awkward silence.

"Well I tend to make an array of different dishes so I don't get my head bitten off with their annoying complaining"

"So at the moment I'm making pancakes" Reiji stated, "do you have any vanilla essence?"He asked calmly changing from his strict attitude from when I first met him

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"So at the moment I'm making pancakes" Reiji stated, "do you have any vanilla essence?"He asked calmly changing from his strict attitude from when I first met him. "Yeah here" I reach down into the drawer getting it and then give it to him.

"So what's it like from where you are from?" I ask curiously placing the different fruits in a large bowl.
"It's pretty much the same only with supernatural being wandering around" Ruki spoke

"Do normal people know about the supernatural?" I asked stopping what I was doing to look over towards him intrigued.

"Most don't, and those who do are held into a sort of contract with the inhuman or killed"(made up for my story line) He answered whilst seemingly making bacon.
"Yes, whilst contacts can be formed most just opt to kill the ones who find out seen as many tend to freakout and run killing them is the easiest resolution" Reiji contributed.
"Are you going to kill me"I ask wearily titling my head scared for the answer.

"No"both say simultaneously.
Relief coated me as a blanket at their response.

"So that means??"I ask needing an answer.
"We will discuss your position later"Reiji finished also ending that whole topic.
All three of us were still cooking breakfast ignoring the yells and crashes in the other rooms.
Out of nowhere Azusa came wandering into the kitchen passing all three of us non of us acknowledging his presence, I turn to see him with a knife and blood all over him.

"OMG WHAT ARE YOU DOING"I stare to panic whilst grabbing the knife out of his hand.

"Don't mind that too much Azusa's a bit of a masochist"Yuma told me poking round the doorframe after hearing my yell then walking away

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"Don't mind that too much Azusa's a bit of a masochist"Yuma told me poking round the doorframe after hearing my yell then walking away.

I'm still freaking out at this point and bring him over to the sink to wash the blood off. I look down at him to see him rather confused at my actions with his tail starting to wag slightly. As I've washed his arms I grab my first aid kit which was handy in one of the cupboards behind me, after I wrap his hand in fresh bandages I go in to hug him.

As I'm hugging him all I can see in my mind is my little deep green cat wrapped in bandages and getting more upset that he hurts himself on purpose, leading to tears falling from my eyes.


The two other in the kitchen had previously stopped to glance over at the boy being in their caretaker clutch having rather mixed feelings one they were slightly jealous that Azusa was the one getting hugged but another part a much deeper part was quite sinfully happy as that over the short time of knowing them she has already become slightly attached which was very pleasing to them (oh and it starts).

-20 minuets later-

Reina's POV

Breakfast was now placed onto the table,
"BREAKFAST"I yell causing to hear many bumps and thumps.
Each boy popped up right in front of me staring then turning to the food with stars in their eyes.

Within the next 10 minuets the food is all gone and many of the boys had returned to what they were originally doing the only people remaining in the kitchen were me Reiji, Ruki, Azusa, Kanato, Shin and Carla ,four of which are still sat at the table minding their own business (Shin and Carla making conversation, Azusa staring at Reina and Kanato talking to Teddy).
Ruki was washing the dishes and Reiji was cleaning down the sides. I decided to make myself useful and start to dry the freshly washed plates and such.

"Well I think breakfast was successful" I commented receiving a hum from the closest male, but one thing I did notice was that some of the boys at breakfast seemed a bit touchy, not pervertedly touchy more of a don't leave me hold. 'Probably because I was so touchy and cuddly when they were full cats' I thought logically.

"Quite so not any big arguments" Reiji agreed wiping down the last counter.

"Say Usagi-chan will you be making breakfast as well from now on?" Kanato asked holding Teddy in his arms to face me.
"Do you want me too?" I ask looking towards the male.
"Yes me and Teddy would like that very much" He replied giving of a smile bringing Teddy closer to his face.
'Even if he has turned into a vampire-man-cat person he is still so cute' after a few second of cooing over him I give him a quick peck on his head,
'I did that when they were cats all the time so that should be no problem right???'
Kanato turned a light shade of red ignoring the envious glares he got but if she had a sweet spot for him they could use that.

'Even if he has turned into a vampire-man-cat person he is still so cute' after a few second of cooing over him I give him a quick peck on his head, 'I did that when they were cats all the time so that should be no problem right???'Kanato turned a...

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4th August 2021
956 words

Diabolik Cats (diabolik lovers cast x oc) slight yandere Where stories live. Discover now