What was suppost to be movie day

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As we arrived home the cats started to get really fidgety and started scurrying round in the bag. As soon as I had opened the bag Cayenne, Bee, Moose and Angel jumped out into the front room.
The others walked out after I had placed the bag on the floor, at this point Bee came up to me and rubbed himself on my ankles then jumping his front paw up onto my leg demanding attention.
Cooing at his cuteness I ended up picking him and started to kiss his head and snuggle with him.

I looked down to see Duck,Echo,Cayenne,Angel,Toast and Domino all glaring at Bee in my arms some hissing.
"What's wrong little ones?" I question concerned to the fact that they are acting rather hostile.
I go to walk over to the couch and sat down Bee cuddling into my lap when Toast also jumps into my lap nudging Bee out the way.
As both the cats were smugly glaring at each other I started petting both of them and started to brush through their fur with a cat comb I bought at the pet shop earlier with both of them now sharing my lap. The other cats had all started jumping up to the couch sat down some cuddling into me, other just sat there looking around and some hidden at my feet (Pumpkin).

I decided as it started to rain that I would have a movie marathon. I get up hearing wines from some of the cats whilst I was walking to the kitchen to get some snacks.
'Might as well give the cats some treats'
As I'm popping popcorn in the microwave and getting snacks the doorbell rings.
'Who could that be?' I think.

The cats seem to have perked up looking towards the door but they looked rather uneasy most were now stood glaring towards the door,

I go to open the door only to see,
The man from the cafe.

(Karl is going in his Reinheart form)

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(Karl is going in his Reinheart form)

"Oh Hello again" he spoke

"Oh hiya, how did you know where I lived" I question quite freaked out by his appearance especially after the insistent at the cafe.
"I actually had no idea that you lived here. I have just moved into the neighbourhood and wanted to introduce myself"
"Oh you must live at the house a few doors down then, the one that was just built" I spoke in awe as it wasn't just a house it was mansion, a large one at that.
"Come in, come in" I say forgetting the creepy ness that had happened in the cafe.
As he walked into my house the cats didn't falter their glare and I noticed that this man was smirking down at them.

I started walking towards the kitchen when I called out,
"Do you want tea, coffee anything?"
"A cup of coffee would be lovely thanks"he replied.


"Why is he here"snarled Shin

"Well that's not a very nice way to talk to me, is it Shin"Karl said cheekily towards the ginger cat.

"You can understand us?"Ruki questioned.

"Of corse I can"Karl replied "now how are you enjoying your little lives"smugness radiating from his tone.

"I demand you turn us back"Ayato snarled venomously.

"You demand"Karl darkly repeated, "don't misplace yourself Ayato.
You should all know why you are all in this position" some of the cats looked down other away other not moving from his figure. "This is punishment is it not?. Well at least you have a nice caretaker, but I tell you this she didn't just stumble upon you all out of luck" all the cats started looking towards him and around at each other Sharing confused glances.
"It seems some of you have become quite attached, although we all know what happened last time as the little birdie ran away. Judging from what happened if you do chose to keep this one best keep a good eye on her as I've noticed that a few individuals have also sought their eyes an her. Have a nice day" he then teleported away.

"Here you go" Reina entered the room only to find it empty.
"Hello?"looking around to see no one there.
Then she goes up to the couch to find a note.

Sorry I had an emergency phone call from the hospital
I hope we will meet again.


"-Sigh- guess I'll have to drink this"Reina spoke looking rather disappointed returning to the kitchen.
Feeling very alone (she doesn't have many friends)

Feeling very alone (she doesn't have many friends)

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2 August 2021
828 words

Diabolik Cats (diabolik lovers cast x oc) slight yandere Where stories live. Discover now