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It was the big day, the turning point in the boys' careers: the Glastonbury festival.
They would be performing late in the evening, but Caryl and Madison and I left straight after lunch, because Dylan was waiting for us there.

"What did you tell Dylan about you having VIP tickets?" asked Caryl while she was driving
"I told him that Anne had them since she works at a music shop," said Madison.
"What do you think his reaction will be?" I asked
"I don't know honestly, I hope he doesn't get mad" she replied.

After almost two hours of driving we arrived and after a few minutes a guy came and went to kiss Madison...Oh! here's Dylan. He's tall, short dark hair and a nice smile, he seems like a nice guy.

"Girls this is Dylan," said Madison.
"Hi I'm Caryl" she said as she shook his hand then it was my turn.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Anne".

Of course we didn't go to the guys before the concert because Dylan didn't know anything yet, so all night we listened to the artists present, waiting for the guys to perform.

"Should we go get some beers?" I asked.
"Yeah absolutely," Madison said.
Madison and I were in line to get drinks and food and she asked me:
"Anne what do you think about Dylan?"
"He seems like a really good person and I can see he makes you happy. That's all I care about," I replied and she smiled at me.
Actually, it was great to see her so happy.

After almost 3 hours we were there, it was the boys' turn. It was happening, their most important concert was happening right now and I couldn't be happier. In the end it's as if we had seen them "grow up" as a band.

Luckily Dylan didn't wonder why we were screaming when they came on stage, Madison had told him I was a rock fan but I think he thought I was crazy.

They started with some older songs like 'When the sun goes down', 'Fake tales of San Francisco' and 'Teddy Picker' then Alex said:
"This one is for your girlfriends. LADIES!" and started 'I bet that you look good on the dancefloor'.

The whole crowd was singing this song while I was thinking about the day we met and how cheeky he was when he sang the first verse looking me straight in the eye, that was the beginning of it all. Even they seemed amazed that the audience knew all the words.

"Now we're going to sing some fresh new stuff" said Alex as they started to play 'Arabella'.

"I need to tell you something," Madison said to Dylan.
"What?" he asked her
"This song is for Anne" she replied
"What do you mean?" he asked confused
"Actually we know them very well, we're friends with them and Anne is Alex's girlfriend" she replied and I turned around smiling almost nervously

"Oh, so you're Arabella?" he asked.
"Actually I'm Annabella, but yes" I replied.
"Are you angry?" asked Madison
"No! Why would I be?" he replied and Madison smiled at him and they resumed singing and dancing.

With each song, Dylan asked if it was for me.
"Mads if i were a good songwriter I would write songs about you too" he told her, and I looked like a proud mother of her daughter, I was really happy that Madison had found a boy like that.

I knew that the guys had to play Mardy Bum, and although that song always hurt a little bit I managed to sing it too, after all it was part of our relationship and without that song we wouldn't be here, or rather I wouldn't be here being a supportive girlfriend.

The energy of the guys was fantastic and that was a really good thing because the audience never got tired of it, they always wanted more.

"What did you do to this guy to get him to write that stuff?" laughed Dylan.
"I wish I knew too," Madison said.
"I have no idea, but I'm the lucky one here" I replied laughing.
"Dylan are you ready to meet them?" asked Caryl.
"What?! No what if they don't like me?" she said.
"Oh shut up, they're going to love you" I replied laughing.

"We've reached the end. This is 505" said Alex

This song warmed my heart every time I heard it, as a closing song I think it's amazing, maybe he knows that he's going home with me later, in my beloved 505.

When the concert was over we walked backstage to the guys' dressing room.
"Well so what do you think?" asked Madison to Dylan.
"They're amazing," he said.

We arrived at the dressing room and Nick opened us.
"Girls it's great to have you here" he said letting us into the room and I immediately went over to Alex.
"It was perfect," I said.
"Thanks for being here" he said and then Madison spoke:

"I want to introduce you Dylan. My boyfriend" and he waved his hand in greeting.
"We finally get to meet you!" said Matt going to hug him.
"Just one thing, Madison is like a sister so be good" he told him laughing then all of us sat down in the couches of the dressing room.

"Well won't you tell us how you two met? Hearing you speak I can tell you're not English" Alex said to Dylan.
"No, I'm from New York actually," he replied.
"What brings you here to England?" asked Jamie.

"They sent me eight months here for a master's degree and then I met Madison in the university," Dylan said.
"Okay but you're not going to do the double dates now are you? You can't forget about us," said Caryl and we all laughed.

"You know Dylan, Alex and Anne are the couple that got us the most exasperated" said Matt and Alex and I rolled our eyes.
"My God Anne didn't want to admit that she was into Alex" Madison said laughing.
"Well you could have tell right away love" Alex said turning to me.
"Oh fuck you" I said laughing.

The night continued as months and months ago except this time there were 9 of us and not 7, Dylan and Katie were with us which made me realise how far we had all come together.

It had started from my university exam going really well and Mads wanting to celebrate at all costs, Oliver inviting the guys over for drinks and us making friends. Yes I admit, right from the start I had a little crush on Alex, but I'll never tell Madison and Caryl even though they had figured it out before me.

This friendship continued and together we heard for the first time one of their songs in a club, the first night on the beach waiting for the sunrise and their first album.

Thank you Mr.Brown for giving me top marks on that exam!

"Can you believe we just played a gig in Glastonbury?" asked Alex.
"Yes, and you don't know how proud I am of you," I replied, giving him a kiss.
"I have so many more songs ready, I can't wait for you to hear them" he said excitedly.
"Now I'm curious," I said.
"You'll hear them very soon" he said

"You guys, the concert was great according to the tabloids!" said Nick.
"Shit I can say I'm friends with legends!" said Madison clearly tipsy like everyone else then Matt took the glass and lifted it up:
"I know I know, I always make toasts but we really deserve it. This one goes to the music that brought together a friendship, and more importantly a love that made our Alex write an album. Thank you Annabella we will now be legends" he said and we all laughed.

And again, we went back to the 505 hand in hand, no matter how many hours we travelled or how far the road was, because in the end we always came back there.

rock 'n love // alex turnerWhere stories live. Discover now