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We were all seven of us going back to our home, I was holding Madison and Alex was holding Matt, it was a really funny scene except for the fact that I found Alex staring at me.
Fuck, knowing myself I knew I would burst out laughing in his face, so to avoid this embarrassing scene I said:

"Oh my God, look at those three, they look like zombies."
"Anne I may have had a few drinks but I still understand you well, so shut your mouth" Caryl replied laughing.
Normally it takes five minutes from Oliver's pub to our house, but with Mads and Matt drunk, it took us ten.

"Okay welcome guys, let's go to the couches because we need to lay these two down immediately" I said.
"Is this the end of our night? I need some more tequila," Madison said pouting.
"Mads honey that's enough for today, then tomorrow I have to go to the shop remember?" I replied.
"Shop?" asked Nick.
"Yeah I have a music shop near here."
They were surprised.

After smoking another cigarette, I went back into the living room and asked:
"Would you like something to drink, maybe something non-alcoholic now?"
"Yes, Anne, please" said Caryl.
I went to the kitchen to get some coke and other juices.
"C please can you come help me?" no answer.
"C where the fuck are you?" I kept yelling from the kitchen, then Alex came in:
"Caryl is helping Madison throw up, if you need a hand I can help you."
"Yeah please, I can't carry all these bottles at once."

We put the bottles on the table and in the meantime Mads and Caryl were returning from the bathroom.
"Everything OK?" I asked.
"Sis you bet!" replied Mads and Caryl rolled her eyes.
Matt looked pretty exhausted as well.
"Is everything okay mate?" asked Alex.
"Yeah cool" he replied.

It was obvious that we were all tired, in fact we only talked for another hour and then we all collapsed from sleep.

There was a sound echoing throughout the room...fuck my alarm clock!
"Oops sorry my bad" I said, seeing everyone awake because of my phone.
We were cleaning up the living room, the guys helped too, they were really nice and friendly.
"Okay I was thinking, maybe you can come with us to the shop so you can wait until the pub opens to go get your instruments, alright?" I said.
"Mh yeah if that's ok with you" Alex replied.

When we arrived at the shop, everyone was lost looking at the vinyls and guitars on display.
"There's a soundproof room over there, we have guitars and if you want you can go and look" I said.
"Wow, this room is amazing," Jamie said as we walked in.
"Yeah alright guys, but don't you think we deserve at least one unreleased song?" said Mads wryly.
"Well we can do that," said Nick.
They got their guitars ready and started playing, it was a slower song than the ones from last night.

"Lady, where's your love gone? I was looking but can't find it anywhere"

Wow that song was amazing and Alex's voice was perfect, well yeah maybe he was more than cute.
"It's a great song, seriously" I said shyly to Alex.
"Oh thank you so much, and most of all thank you for last night, you saved us, really" he said.

After they put their instrumentals into the truck they said goodbye to us and Oliver, we have decided to have more parties together after all they are only 45 minutes away and are great company.

"Yes Anne don't worry, I believe that you want to see them again for the good company" Madison told me laughing and I simply rolled my eyes.

Yes the fun with them was there, but maybe Mads was right with those words, maybe.

rock 'n love // alex turnerWhere stories live. Discover now