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Mornings were back to the way they used to be
"Here are my parents again. Did you sleep well my dear?" asked Madison teasing us.

"Anne have you noticed too that Mads is on the phone too much?" asked Caryl.
"Yeah Matt told me that too," I replied.

Oh my god our Madison had a new flame? Can you believe it?

"Can I walk you to the shop?" asked Alex.
"Yes please," I said.
It was raining and I was studying for my last exams before the holidays, the guys had finished touring for months now and in a few days their first album will be released.

"Okay Anne actually I have a surprise" he said once we got to the shop.
"Hmm, should I be worried?" I asked.
"Not at all" and then he took an envelope out of the car and handed it to me.
"Open it," he said.
So I opened it and...

"Oh, my God, it's your album!" I said.
I couldn't believe it, I had the first copy right here.

"Why did you give it to me?" I said.
"I told you we'd give it to you, remember in Canterbury?" he said and pushed the tuft of hair out of my face.
"Of course I remember" I said, it's true I remembered it very well that day because I finally understood how I felt.

I was setting up the shop and Alex was sitting in the chair helping me tune the guitars.
"Anne, come here a minute," he said, and I went over to him.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"I want to teach you how to play," he said.

Oh I would have liked to but I'm a lost
"I suck at instruments," I said.
"Come on over here" he said

I sat on his leg and slowly he told me how to do some chords and we ended up playing 'I Wanna Be Yours', did I mention I loved this song?

"You're not so bad Anne, you just need to practice" he said.
"Thank you teacher" I replied and then stood up and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"You have other talents love, don't worry" and he winked
"Alexander!" i laughed
"What?" he asked
"Watch your mouth" and we both laughed

It was now closing time and he took me home but he didn't stay because the next morning he had to rehearse with the boys, he mentioned an important concert but didn't specify anything.

"Hi Anne are you back from your love nest?" asked Madison.
"I was working my dear" I replied
"I can imagine your concentration with Alex" she said laughing.

"Well I have a boyfriend who helps me at least. And you don't have to tell me anything? No mystery boyfriend?" I asked and she immediately changed her expression.
"What are you talking about Anne. Being with a musician goes to your head, honey," she said.
Nice try Madison, really.

Alex band guy:
Come to the Notting Hill Arts Club tomorrow night, we've got news for you. Sweet Dreams love

We'll be there. Good night xx

"Mads do you know what they have to tell us?" I asked.
"I have no idea, Matt was hinting at it but I don't know anything," she replied.
"Mh okay. We will see tomorrow" i said

Tomorrow there will be the presentation of the album, but what is this other news?

rock 'n love // alex turnerWhere stories live. Discover now