Jonathan Yaxley and the Time-Turner

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(Image not mine)

Seven months later...

"L/n, I want you in the next squad out," Robards ordered, keeping his eyes on the clipboard in his hands while everyone in the Auror department stood attentively in front of him.

"Yes, sir," I nodded. After a few months of working in the field, being given an assignment was hardly ever nerve-wracking anymore.

"Potter and Weasley... I want you two on guard duty."

The boys groaned, annoyed that they were given another babysitting job. The rest of us chuckled at them before listening to the rest of Robards's instructions. Once he was finished, I hurried back to my desk with the boys.

Harry was the first one ready to go. He was already dressed for operating in the field so all he needed to do was pull on his coat. Ron was much slower, taking his time to stuff the remaining candy on his desk into his mouth before departing.

As I shrugged on my coat and grabbed a few of my essentials before following the boys to the exit. Three other Aurors led the way out of the Ministry where we could apparate safely. I'd gotten rather good at apparating during my work at the Ministry, though it still made me queasy.It helped that I was familiar with the area that we were apparating to. We had been working on this case for a week, so I was here often. An old witch who lived on this street reported multiple times that Dark Wizards had been breaking into her home. She was never injured, at least not seriously. Though she was often scared out of her wits.

We've never seen the Dark Wizards, no matter how many Aurors we had up on guard. They always slipped right past us, unnoticed. We only knew they were there when we heard the old witch's screams.

The Dark Wizards never deliberately hurt anyone, but they would wreak havoc in the house. They were searching for something. No one knew what.

"Ah, Mrs. Hammond," Robards greeted the old witch who stood under the streetlamp in front of her house. "Anything to report this morning?"

"No," she said curtly, "But I know they're coming. They always do."

"We'll station our guards at both exits of the house," he reassured, "You'll be safe."

"I never am," she grumbled, "Haven't been since that blasted thing showed up."

My ears perked up, "What thing?"

The small old woman turned to me, seemingly angry that I had heard what she'd said. She huffed, "Nothing of importance. An old family heirloom. Said to be bad luck."

"And you said it recently showed up," I pressed, feeling like I was on the right path to something big.

"That's right," she said, annoyed, "I gave it to my nephew ages ago, but he must've found out that it was bad luck and sent it back to me. Blasted boy."

"What is this heirloom?"

"Don't you think you're being a bit nosy?" She spat.

I frowned, "I'm just doing my job, ma'am. If this heirloom is what the intruders are looking for, it might solve all of your problems if you tell us what it is."

Mrs. Hammond glared up at Robards as if asking him to put me in my place. Instead, he turned around to direct the Aurors in the field squad to different hiding places near the house. They would be stationed there all day, ready to attack.

Seeing that she would get to help, Mrs. Hammond sighed, "It's just a bloody necklace. Odd-looking thing. I keep it as far away from me as possible to avoid the bad luck."

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