Harry's Back

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(Image not mine)

I had never gone into the Room of Hidden things alone before, it was pretty daunting. The towers of discarded belongings loomed overhead, tempting me to dig through them and ponder each item's history before it ended up here. If I did that, I would be here for decades.

Still, I needed to come up with a way to sort through them and find the diadem. The sooner, the better. Even though I knew it wouldn't work, I tried the Accio charm. Nothing happened. So I moved on to walk past mountain after mountain of trinkets, scanning each one for what looked like a Ravenclaw crown. I found crowns and tiaras that looked like they once belonged to great Kings and Queens of a distant land, but no diadem.

I spent hours searching, hoping that it would turn up. It never did. Eventually, I decided it was time to retire and made my way back through the maze-like room to the door. As soon as I stepped out, I thought of the Room of Requirement and stepped right back in. This time, the mountains of random things were replaced by dozens of hammocks strung up between columns.

"You missed dinner!" Lucy called once she saw me come in, "I saved you some, but I couldn't smuggle any dessert, sorry."

I laughed and took the small plate from her hands, "Thanks, Lu. I think I'm going to go to bed early, I'm feeling pretty tired."

"Alright, see you tomorrow," she smiled, returning to her conversation with a few of her classmates.

After shoveling the food into my mouth and preparing myself for bed, I climbed into my hammock and promptly fell asleep, not expecting what came next.

As it is with most dreams, I can't quite remember how it started. All I knew was that I was a young man strolling through Hogwarts. Except, this Hogwarts was nothing like the one I knew. The people had outdated haircuts and the teachers that I recognized looked decades younger. It was like I had traveled back in time.

One thing remained the same, though. My destination was the Room of Hidden Things. I got there quickly, or rather the young man got there quickly. It felt like I was only watching the world through his eyes, not controlling him.

The boy made his way through the room confidently. His strides were quick as he weaved between the piles. I kept a mental note of which direction he went and what noticeable items he passed. Eventually, he stopped at a small table at the base of a large pile. There was already a bunch of nik-naks on top of it, but he moved them aside to set a square wooden box on the table.

It was a simple box, about the size of my head. But I knew as soon as he began to lift the lid that it held something too extraordinary to be kept in such a box. My breath hitched when the glittering blue gems of the diadem were revealed, sparkling in the dim light like stars.

The boy's hands froze and my entire being was thrown into a panic. The boy's eyes slowly lifted and turned to a mirror to the left where I was just able to see his face. His puzzled expression slowly turned into one of pure malice as he stared at the reflection of his eyes, therefore looking into mine. I felt chills run down my non-existent body and tried to keep my mind as quiet as possible as I stared.

The boy's voice dripped with venom as he spoke, "Who are you?"

I was shocked awake, breathing heavily as my eyes shot open. I was back in my hammock. It was obviously the middle of the night as everyone had long since gone to bed. There was no sound in the room other than the crackling of the fire and peoples' snores.

Without thinking, I grabbed my wand and jumped out of the hammock, silently landing on the stone floor. As quickly and quietly as I could, I weaved through the hammocks to the doors at the end of the room. Pushing them open a little, I peeked through the crack to check for any patrolling staff members. Once I knew it was safe, I stepped out and closed the door behind me.

Yours for Mine ~  Sequel Edmund x Reader Hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now