Yours for Mine

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Welcome back! If you're new here, skedaddle over to the first book or else you won't understand a single thing. It's called Unseen Realities, but all of my fanfics are about Edmund so you probably won't be mad if you accidentally read those.

To all of the people who have been here since the beginning, I appreciate and love you guys so much! You seriously mean the world to me. I even read every single one of your comments. 

I hope you like this new book, but here are a few reminders before we start. This begins the summer before Y/n and Edmund's sixth year at Hogwarts, and Lucy's fifth. Susan graduated last year, and Peter graduated the year before.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter or Hogwarts, all rights go to their rightful owners. I do not own Narnian characters either. I only own the scenes I've made up.

Now let's start!


Yours for Mine ~  Sequel Edmund x Reader Hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now