The Burrow

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(Image not mine)

I woke up the next morning with Edmund's arm draped lazily across my waist, his nose burrowed in the crook of my neck. The first light of dawn began creeping in through the windows, dancing across the room and illuminating the dust particles in the air. They looked like little fairies floating around the room.

Edmund groaned as the light wandered into his eyes, forcing him awake. He flopping over, trying to retreat into the darkness. Amused, I shook my head and sat up, tossing the covers off of me before setting my feet on the cold wood floor.

My mind was still used to waking up at the crack of dawn in the cabin to spend a whole day at the beach, so I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. Instead, I threw on some clothes from my trunk and wandered downstairs in hopes of finding some food.

Pushing the kitchen door open, I was met with the wonderful sight of house-elves scurrying about the room, putting together breakfast for the residents of the manor. In the middle of the chaos sat Lucy, her mouth stuffed with scones.

"Good morning," I called into the room, startling a few house-elves.

"Y/n!" Lucy cried in surprise, "Why are you up so early?"

"I'm still used to cabin time," I explained, plucking a hot waffle off the top of one of the house-elf's plates. "What about you?"

"There's a hole in my bedroom wall so it was hard to sleep," she said casually as if giant holes in walls were a normal thing in the manor.

I crawled onto the table where she sat while munching on my waffle. If I ignored the debris here and there, I could almost imagine that we were back at Hogwarts. Before the war of course. I'm not so sure the kitchen is still intact at this point.

"I received a letter this morning from Ginny," Lucy said solemnly, holding out a folded piece of parchment, "Here, it's addressed to you and Ed too."

Curious, I took the letter and unfolded it. The messy writing only took up a third of the page and said this;

I hope you three are doing well when this letter finds you. I heard there have been several attacks on Pevensie Manor, but I trust that you've handled it alright.

I'm writing to you to invite you to the funeral we're holding in three days for Fred. We can't afford a proper service, so it will be held at the Burrow. We hope you can come, we know he would like to see you there.

Best wishes,


I had to bite my lip to keep it from quivering. I suddenly felt horrible for taking a nice vacation while everyone else was suffering. I had to be there for them.

"When do we leave?" I asked, folding the paper back up.

Lucy smiled sadly, "This evening, if possible. I want to help out as much as I can."

"Of course," I nodded, placing my half-eaten waffle on the table, "I'll be ready to leave by then."


Even though he thought of Fred as a friend, Peter couldn't allow himself to attend the funeral. There were simply too many things to do here. With his three siblings and me gone, he alone would be in charge of defending the manor at one of its weakest points.

Susan was closer to Fred than Peter, seeing as they were in many of the same classes together. There was no hesitation when she accepted the invite. She also wanted to help out the Weasleys as much as possible during this troubling time.

So at dusk, the four of us stood just outside the manor, each of us holding a trunk. Lucy held my hand and Susan held Edmund's so that we could apparate.

Yours for Mine ~  Sequel Edmund x Reader Hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now