The Manor

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(Image not mine)

Even though I was of adult wizarding age, I had never learned how to apparate before, much less been apparated by someone. So when Peter apparated us to the Pevensie manor without warning, I was not at all prepared for the feeling. I nearly puked after we landed as it felt like my stomach had separated from my body before being shot back into me.

Lucy was less lucky and had to hold a hand to her mouth to keep from puking. Susan seemed uneasy but otherwise fine. Peter was completely unbothered and immediately began walking down the path that led to the front of the manor.

I steadied myself while taking in the grand sight in front of me. I knew they were rich, but I had never expected this. It was obvious the house had been passed down through generations but was kept in perfect condition. It was made in old french style with beautiful sconces and windows, each of them framed by beautiful white stone. Warm light radiated from the house like a safe haven in the cold night. It was probably the most beautiful house I had ever seen.

Susan walking towards the manor reminded me of what was going on. I tore my eyes away from the manor to look at Lucy. She was currently hunched over, clutching her stomach.

"We have to go back," I told her urgently.

She looked up at me, astonished, "Now? Y/n, we were just attacked by a dozen Death Eaters and you want to go back?"

"I left something there," I tried to explain, "Something important."

"We can go back tomorrow when it's safer," she stood up shakily, taking in deep breaths, "In the meantime, help me into the house before I hurl."

I sighed and held onto her arm as we inched towards the doors, the gravel crunching beneath our feet. Even though we were out in the open, at night, I felt completely safe on the manor's grounds. I had a feeling Peter had installed some drastic safety measures around the perimeter.

When we got to the doors, they opened on their own, scaring me half out of my wits. Inside, the house looked very clean and airy, full of light and life. I stood there gaping for a moment before Lucy tugged me inside, "Come on, we should find Susan and Peter."

"Where did they run off to?"

"I expect they went to the council room. It's where they plan all of their next moves." Lucy said, leading the way down one of the corridors, "It's on the other side of the wing, so you can get a small tour on the way."

I eagerly followed after her, peeking through all of the open doors and windows. Paintings hung in the corridor, adding pops of color to the angelic walls. On our way, we passed a few house elves, maids, and cooks. All of them looked at me in surprise, but also excitement.

"Ah, this is the ballroom. We've had lots of parties in there," Lucy casually gestured to an open door as she passed it.

I peeked my head into the room, freezing when I realized I recognized it. My mind worked faster than it ever had to figure out where I had seen it before. Then it clicked. In a dream.

"Come on," Lucy said insistently, "There's still more to see before we get there."

I pried myself away from the doorway to follow after her. I was still in a bit of a daze after that recent discovery. So much so, that I passed the rest of the doors without so much of a glance before Lucy finally stopped at one. It was an important-looking door, so I assumed it was the council room.

Lucy placed her hand on the doorknob before stopping to turn to me, "Oh, and this is the west garden. Edmund would be in charge of it, but seeing as he's not here, the house-elves are doing their best to preserve it until he returns."

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