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(Image not mine)

In the months that followed our return to Hogwarts, I grew more and more annoyed. For one, my understanding of Advanced Potions was declining steadily. But what was most annoying was the insufferable man that is my boyfriend. The amount of little stolen moments between us was quickly disappearing. Even when none of the other Slytherins were around, he would remain cold and rude towards us.

Lucy was getting increasingly fed up with his behavior. So many times she tried to reason with him, to get him to balance out his normal life and his undercover one. He never listened. Most of the time, he would disappear with the others, Draco most of all.

What bothered me most of all was how concerned I was about him. Even if his behavior made me angry, I was more worried about what he was getting himself into. He was jumpy and guarded. He wouldn't let anyone touch him. When I tried to get his attention by tapping his arm, he'd hastily pull away from me, reaching for his wand before stopping himself.

Now, he won't talk to me for a week at a time. I'd decided to distract myself with other matters. Since studying didn't work, I opted to try out for the Ravenclaw quidditch team. I got in, much to my surprise, and was put in as a chaser. We haven't had any matches yet, but I put in more hours of practice than necessary to keep my mind off things.

That's where I was now. Covered in snow, my fingers nearly frozen off, and hundreds of feet in the air. It was basically free therapy.

"Heads up!" Ginny shouted from her broom below.

I swerved to dodge the quaffle she threw at me before looping around to catch it and throw it back. This had been going on for about an hour, and it would continue for an hour more. Ginny was always more than happy to practice with me and had learned not to question it if I was especially angry one day.

By the time we had finished our practice, I was covered in sweat that chilled me to the bone in the winter weather. I thanked Ginny and stowed my broom before changing in the locker room and heading towards the castle. I wrapped my coat around myself, wishing I had bought a new one before the cold weather set in.

Nearly halfway to the castle, a shadow passed me, quickly followed by the weight of something warm settling on my shoulders. I looked down in surprise at the jacket that had fallen from the sky to hug me in its warm embrace. Immediately, I recognized the fine quality and familiar scent of it.

I turned around and looked up to see a mess of familiar black hair atop a green sweater flying towards the quidditch pitch. An old warm and tingly feeling tugged at my heart. I wasn't even aware that I was smiling as I watched Edmund sail over the pitch and disappear behind the quidditch towers.

I would have to find a way to return the jacket later.


I didn't expect to find him on the roof one random winter night. After hours of tossing and turning in my bed, unable to sleep, I gave up and snuck down to the one place I would be able to think clearly. But when I climbed through the open window of the library and onto the roof, I was surprised by someone all too familiar sitting on the ledge.

Edmund looked up when he heard my feet land on the roof. He looked shocked before a flash of fear crossed his eyes, disappearing as soon as it had appeared. He turned away, staring off into the night.

Taking that as a sign that I was welcome to join him, I cautiously sat beside him, shivering a little. I wasn't sure what to say or do after going so long without talking. Would it be alright to act like we always did? Has something changed?

His hand slowly inched over mine, grasping it firmly. He let out a shaky sigh. I could hear so much pain and exhaustion in that one breath. I looked at him worriedly. He didn't have to look at me to know what I wanted to ask. He smiled slightly, eyes still on the sky, "I know what you're thinking, Y/n. I'm alright, really.

Yours for Mine ~  Sequel Edmund x Reader Hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now