Return to the Battle

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(Image not mine)

I fiddled nervously with the tiny ring around my left ring finger as I watched Edmund clear out the small fireplace. Halfway through the dinner with our new neighbors, an owl delivered a letter to our kitchen window. It spooked the living daylights out of our guests but we told them our friend had a strange habit of sending letters with birds. Oddly enough, they believed us.

As soon as they were gone, we opened the letter. No one would contact us unless it was an emergency. Edmund was even more worried when he recognized the owl as Peter's.

The letter was short and to the point, detailing an attack on the Pevensie manor and what limited forces they had left. Peter begged us to cut our vacation short and return to help protect the manor and the information inside. We couldn't say no.

We had packed our things in a hurry, leaving the cabin a mess. Then Edmund got to work clearing the fireplace so that we could use the last of our floo powder to travel to the manor.

He stood up, dusting the ash from his hands before offering me the small pot of powder, "You first, love."

Without a word, I took a small handful of the dust and stepped carefully into the fireplace, carrying my luggage with me. Taking one last look at the place we had called home for the last few days, I raised my hand to drop the dust, "Pevensie Manor."

Green flames shot up, engulfing me until I could no longer see the wood of the cabin. Pretty soon, that wood was replaced by the clean white stone of the Pevensie manor kitchen. Coughing out the smoke and ash, I stepped out, careful not to hit my head.

"Hello?" I called into the unusually empty room. Normally, house-elves were busy scurrying about and preparing the next meal.

But there was no answer. Suspicious, I set my trunk on the floor and took out my wand. Slowly creeping towards the door, I peeked into the corridor. No one was there, but rubble and debris were scattered everywhere. Windows were shattered and muddy footprints were tracked across the floor.

Turning back to the fireplace, I got even more paranoid. Edmund should've shown up by now. What could've gone wrong?

A sudden explosion shook the room, scattering dust onto my hair. Recalling my years of experience training for events like this, I set my jaw and marched out of the door. That was a bad idea.

In the few seconds I had looked away from the corridor, someone had climbed through the hole in the wall. The gruff man stumbled back when I nearly slammed the door in his face. Not wasting a second, I shot a stunning spell straight at his chest.

With a pained shout, he fell against the opposite wall, knocking himself out. Scurrying forward, I rolled up the sleeve on his forearm, revealing the tattoo of a snake winding through a skull. Another one of Voldemort's followers.

Another explosion sounded in the distance and I quickly shot up to dart in that direction. The sounds of my shoes hitting the marble floor echoed in the corridor, drawing unwanted attention. Every once in a while, a Death Eater would step out of a doorway with their wand raised. I managed to dodge most of the spells but one grazed the left side of my head, leaving a thin trail of blood to drip down my face.

After another explosion, I stumbled into the dark foyer, happy to see Susan there. Not recognizing me immediately, she aimed her wand in my direction.

"Woah!" I slowed down, raising my hands, "That's no way to greet an old friend."

"Y/n!" She gasped, letting her arm fall, "Where have you been? Edmund was just here, you should have seen the state he was in."

I let out a relieved sigh, making my way over to hug her tightly, "I ended up in the kitchen fireplace. I have no idea which one he came out of."

Yours for Mine ~  Sequel Edmund x Reader Hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now