The First Move

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(Image not mine)

My heart threatened to explode from my ribcage as I ran at full speed through the forest. I weaved through the trees covered in shadow, gasping for air and praying I wouldn't trip. Sensing my chasers were closing in rapidly, I shot a spell over my shoulder blindly, hoping it would reach its target. The bright spell lit up the night but didn't meet its target.

I kept running, deflecting and dodging spells as I went. Just as I was beginning to think I wouldn't make it, I noticed more gaps between the trees up ahead. That must be the clearing. I ran faster- if that were even possible- and barreled into the open field.

Past a large plot of land covered in tall grass, what remained of the Burrow stood alone in the chilly night. I shot a red flare into the sky, hoping someone inside would see it and come to help. Then, as nimbly as I could, I whirled around to face my enemies. Three figures donning black robes stopped in front of me before slowly fanning out.

"What's a little girl like you doing out in the woods at night?" One of them sneered like an animal, his wand ready to strike.

"You could get hurt," another one grinned.

"I'm certain I'll be alright, thanks for your concern," my eyes darted between the three of them.

They laughed at my words, seeing this as a game. The one in the middle came closer, pointing his wand at me as he searched my face, "You know, you look familiar."

"I try to make a point of avoiding familiarity with Voldemort's followers," I smirked, "You're all a bit problematic."

He growled, lunging at me. With one swift move, I got to the ground to avoid him and pointed my wand at his torso. A bright red flash struck him and flung him into the sky at neck-breaking speeds.

I stood up, dusting off my pants before the other two regained their wits. Their shock turned to rage quickly and they both raised their wands at me, firing deadly spells. I blocked both, stepping towards one of them so that the other would follow. When he did, he stepped on the ground where I had been moments ago.

"What the-"

The man was suddenly enveloped in a cloud of pure darkness when he stepped on the ball of Instant Darkness Powder. Courtesy of Fred and George.

While he was distracted, I focused on the other man. He was particularly large and intimidating, but not very nimble. I discovered quickly that he was not good at dodging spells. After fighting back and forth for a couple of seconds, I rolled under his legs to stand up behind him, shooting a spell where he couldn't block it.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

The man froze instantly, his limbs locking where they were and his wand tumbling from his grasp. I plucked it from off the ground before watching the man fall into the grass face-first.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as a bright red spell zipped past me. I turned around just in time to see the man who I had left in the cloud of darkness get pushed back into the woods by an invisible force. Smiling, I whirled around to see Ron running through the field, Hermione and Remus running out of the door of the Burrow behind him.

Ron grinned as he neared me, "You're lucky I couldn't sleep tonight, Y/n. If I hadn't seen your flare, you would've been dead meat."

I rolled my eyes as I picked up the bag I had left on the ground earlier, "Don't be silly. I was just about to finish him off."

"Sure you were," he walked back towards the Burrow with me, smirking like he had just taken down a whole army on his own.

Hermione rushed back inside to tell the others that I had arrived while Remus waited at the door for me. He patted me on the shoulder, not having to say a word to let me know that he was glad I was safe. I smiled back before walking with Ron into the main room of the Burrow.

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