Chapter Six

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The very first time Allison woke up in the massive guest room she thought for sure her nightmare had turned into a luxurious dream. Looking down on her rags she was wearing when she was abducted from her home, reality soon set in. After leaving the warehouse from the only piece of familiarity she’s had in years, the ride caused her to become light headed. Added to the fact that she hadn’t eaten much in the last few days didn’t help matters much. Before she knew what happened she was knocked out only hearing the noise from outside of the car as they moved along the streets. Faintly she felt the car stop but the nudge for her to wake up forced her to become more alert.

Sluggishly she walked into a structure with the two men that took her. She didn’t observe her surroundings at all, mainly looked at the floor and grabbed at the wall occasionally to steady herself. Allison apparently passed out before seeing too much because she didn’t remember walking into a bedroom at all. What a comfy bedroom it was though. Definitely not how she saw herself as someone’s prisoner being kept. According to Derek, Mr. Mucciono and family was nothing to play with. They were mean, heartless, and some cold-blooded killers. Now thinking back though, how could she believe anything Derek has ever said in the past? Ever since she has married him, everything for her has turned to shit.

Unlike the things he has said, not once has anyone put their hands on her. By now Derek would have surly went upside her head for something idiotic. Instead of being greeted with cruelty, one of the men that was sitting in the room offered her the bathroom to freshen up. Even went as far as to offer her some sleepwear that was in the room already. It was as if the room was prepared for anyone staying over who would need a change of clothes. They were mainly one size fit most but she would make do with what she had. It was better than laying in the same mess she had sweated, cried, and slept in. Surly she didn’t smell too fresh and the toilet was calling her name fiercely.

After a long hot shower, she felt a million times better. The only problem was that she was starving to death. Leaving the attached bathroom she found a sandwich and some chips in a Styrofoam container sitting on the nightstand. Having no sense of time, she just devoured the food being ever so grateful for her guard’s kindness. Once the food was done, she laid back down since it was still dark out. Praying that her treatment would remain the same when she awoke. Evidently, it was going to be time to visit with Mr. Mucciono soon. That unfortunately she was not looking forward to. His voice alone intimidated her to no end.

The next time she woke up, she was greeted by that intimidating voice that she feared. ‘How long had he been there,’ she wondered. The sleep was so peaceful and the bed was beyond relaxing. If she had to be a hostage, she just prayed the arrangements afforded to her were not changed. When he demanded she look him in the eyes when talking she nearly crapped her pants. The demand was in a hushed tone but clearly he didn’t need to shout to be forceful. Oddly enough adding his facial features with his Italian accent tainted voice did something extra to her. Her mind was a mixture of fear, obedience, and confusion. Confusion because she couldn’t figure out why her body was heating up as he spoke. The shiver that ran down her spine watching his lips move and his massive body glide gracefully across the floor. That is until the fear of being shot rang out loud and clear. Cold water put out that flame almost immediately.

Now here she found herself waiting to board a private jet that was the size of a couple of town houses. When he mentioned flying out of the country, of course he would be taking his very own plane. For some odd reason her mind was stuck on the huge commercial planes that she had only flew on once. That was the biggest mistake she had ever made. That one flight is what lead her into so much turmoil since then. The insane thing about it was that she is being treated so much better as this man’s hostage than all of the years she has been Derek’s wife. Being a sitting duck was causing her nerves to get the best of her. The food she had earlier was threatening to make an appearance any minute.

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